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Elite: Dangerous Enters Alpha 2.0 - Unleashes Multiplayer

It's just space shopping

It still seems a little bit impossible that there's a new Elite game actually happening. I keep expecting to hear that it was all a big hoax, and was just Braben holding a torch behind a black sheet with lots of little holes cut in it. I also remain resolutely disappointed that apparently Elite: Dangerous won't be under 32kb. I thought technology was supposed to get better? Anyhow, my brain aside, the alpha for the game has now entered phase 2.0, allowing backers access to multiplayer.

This means the game will update to include, ooh, off the top of my head [pastes]

· Free-for-all melee

· Pick your side in a two-team melee

· Co-operative defense of a crippled Federal battlecruiser

· A more sophisticated ‘Pirates and Bounty Hunters’ mode which hints at the fluid choices and roles players will experience on a much greater scale in the final game

You can see all of those things happening here:

To be a backer, you'll need to add to the £2.3m they've already raised in pre-purchases, and pick up a copy for a princely £35 or more.

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