Far Cry 5's E3 trailer shows yup, it is still goofy fun
Good news: yes, Far Cry 5 [official site] is still totally a game to goof off and dick about with a pal in co-op. It inevitably would be a goofy playground, as much as Ubisoft played up their boring satire about a cult in Montana, but I'm glad to see an E3 trailer leaning more on the goof. Along with a wee bit of gameplay, this video fresh out of Ubisoft's E3 presentation has your dog fetching guns, a co-op pal smashing around in a huge truck, and generally loads of big explosions and loud noises.
That is the Far Cry 5 I want. This other trailer from Ubi's E3 show is focused more on the Far Cry 5 I will tolerate to get that dog friend and those explosions:
Yeah, yeah, you can do one.
Far Cry 2 is my favourite of the series but I do also enjoy the goof fest Far Cry has become. Far Cry 5 will have cooperative multiplayer in its campaign, not just for certain side activities like before, and that sounds smashing. Wanted: a loud jackass to complement my stealth style.
Far Cry 5 is due on February 27th, 2018.