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Forever Undead: Dean Hall And Indie Stone Talk Zombies

Fresh as a DayZ

Mid-way through Rezzed, I decided that somebody must have cloned Dean Hall. The DayZ creator was everywhere. One minute he was talking about the most frightening moment of his life - hanging off the side of Everest, I hear - and the next he was playing games on the showfloor. If he wasn't admiring Maia with an excited twinkle in his eye, he was telling interested parties about how much he digs Project Zomboid. The man loves games and since he has so many interesting things to say about them, we should be thankful that he enjoys talking about them quite as much as he does. One panel involved The Indie Stone folk and Hall talking about zombies. They offer a defence of the oft-maligned enemy and it's often compelling. Behold.

My favourite thing about the video is the habit of every British person on stage to say Day Zed, particularly when the timing makes it sound like they're correcting Dean. I don't fall into that trap myself, preferring to quietly hum 'DayZ, DayZ, give me your answer do' whenever somebody talks about the game.

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