Hitman's second episode is free for keepsies right now
Ian's off to sunny Sapienza
The second episode of the fab sneak-o-murder sandbox Hitman is free right now, yours for keepsies if you grab it by April 3rd. This is Ian Hitman's holiday to the sunny Italian seaside town of Sapienza, a colourful maze leading down to beautiful white sands. If you've tried earlier free bits of Hitman but weren't sure about it, do give this a go as Sapienza is so much of an improvement over them.
The episode is available now for free through Steam under the name of the Hitman Spring Pack. Grab it by April 3rd and it's yours forever. Don't grab it by April 3rd and... it won't be free any more?
"You'll get the main story mission, 'World of Tomorrow', 20 levels of Mastery (including weapon and item unlocks), more than 100 challenges, 7 achievements/trophies and ALL of the Escalation Contracts, Challenge Packs and Featured Contracts that we've released for Sapienza," developers IO Interactive explain.
Sapienza's Elusive Targets will also be playable as Hitman moves through the repeat run of these time-limited murder events. The Guru will be swinging back through Sapienza for ten days from Friday the 23rd.
If you go on to buy the full game, progress from Sapienza will carry over. Do check out Alec's Hitman season one review for an opinion on the complete thing.
Hitman's prologue/tutorial chapter is permanently free and IO did give the Parisian first episode away for free for a bit around Christmas. This is way better than either of those. As our Adam said:
"The star of the show is Sapienza itself though. It's a beautiful maze of possibilities, flowing toward the sea with vantage and access points sprinkled throughout. Wherever and whenever you create a disturbance, the ripples spread, causing all of the systems that make the game tick to trigger, and creating thrills and farce as they combine."
IO are making more Hitman right now.