Insane 2 Released On Steam
Okay, how to go through this without getting confused? Well, since I can barely get through putting on a pair of trousers without confusion (why do they make the arm-holes so big?), it's not likely. But as far as I can tell, Insane 2 is a sequel to the Codies game from 2000, 1nSANE, a multiplayer off-road racer. And is nothing to do with inSANE, the THQ project from Pan's Labyrinth director, Guillermo del Toro. But then, it also appears to have previously been released in October, onto GamersGate exclusively. And, oh, I don't know. It's out on Steam today, which they appear to be treating as a second coming, and there's a trailer below. You know what, it looks decent.
It's the tyres rolling around that pleases me so much.
It's officially called "In2ane", but even their own press releases seem too embarrassed to call it that, so we won't either.