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LoTR Online: speak friend and enter your username

It's really the silly season. A week after the latest expansion to Azeroth, Lord of the Rings Online's Mines of Moria has been released (And EQ2 too). We interviewed Jeffrey Steefel about it a couple of months back when I had a play on the closed Beta code. And while I enjoyed it, the season being so packed, I haven't had a chance to go back and play the open Beta. And now it's too late. Man! Anyway - here's the new launch trailer to tease what really can be described as the Ur-dungeon.

Well, if you're as big a ponce as I am.

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As a matter of interest, how many people out there are playing Lord of the Rings Online? If so, why do you love it enough to be your MMO of choice. I enjoyed my time with it, certainly, but it didn't capture me - why did it get you?

Speak. Verily. Or sit down and start singing about gold farmers, if that's your thing.

(Er... The Hobbit gag. Sorry.)

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