Man Of Medan lets you share the horror with a friend (or four)
A horror shared is a horror halved?
I recently went to see Man Of Medan, the new narrative horror game from the makers of Until Dawn. I went in expecting spooks, and came out knowing all about their two new co-op modes. One is Shared Story mode, which is played online and sees you and another friend taking control of different characters in the story to help each other out - or screw each other over. The other is Movie Night mode, which is couch co-op you can play with up to five friends. You each choose a character or two, depending on how many of you there are, and the game will tell you when to pass the controller.
The video below - captured on a PS4, sorry - shows you how Shared Story mode works, how it looks, and how it plays in the early stages of the game. There's also a brief glimpse at what you can expect from Movie Night Mode.
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