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Massively Effective: Fox Aliens From Space Invade A Planet

I don't know whether this side-scrolling superhero vs aliens power fantasy is deliberately referential to Mass Effect 3, but I couldn't help but read that into its "amount of planet saved" arbitrary giant number, excess of bombast and tongue-in-cheek downer ending. But maybe I'm just Mass Effect seeing Mass Effect everywhere I Mass Effect look these Mass Effect days. It wouldn't Mass Effect surprise me.

Anyway, Fox Aliens From Space Invade A Planet In Space is free, only lasts a few minutes, and it is a total lark. Made in four days for gamejam mld#33, it is the overpowered tale of an overpowered superhero fighting vulpine soldiers, turrets, spacecraft and giant walkers. It is as silly as it is entertaining, and it makes me go like this:


Download it from here. Via

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