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Memorable: (To The Moon) Holiday Special Minisode

Thanks for the memories

Over the holidays, while RPS was fighting crime off planet, Freebird released a minisode addition to To The Moon. More To The Moon! And for free!

Lasting around half an hour to an hour, this micro-release is set within the offices of Sigmund Corp, the organisation for which Dr Neil Watts and Dr Eva Rosalene work - the organisation that provides a new set of memories for the dying.

If you haven't played To The Moon, first of all, we can't be friends. Secondly, this release won't make any sense to you. So, quickly, put that right. Here's why.

That done, grab the Holiday Special Minisode, and you'll learn a bunch more about Sigmund, the people who work there, and an intriguing aspect about how the company is publicly received. But mostly it explores that tension between Neil and Eva, and pokes a nice bit of fun at the original game's biggest mistake. Well worth a look.

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