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Oh, Alright: Have Some New X Rebirth Screenshots

X Rebirth vs Trespasser

Just the other day I gave you all the gift of a new trailer for X Rebirth, and Egosoft has followed that up with a few new screenshots. I was in two minds about posting them: I am in danger of dragging everyone down into the gravitational pull of my personal excitement, and should probably stop making words about it, but then I clicked on them and my instant reaction was to share. They are very pretty, particularly the one with the asteroids. So here they are, a gallery of gorgeous space graphics.

I hope Rebirth comes with some sort of screenshot mode. The demo I played did have a screenshot button that dumped the player position info, but it also included the cockpit in the screen. There was nothing in the menus about hiding the screen elements. Obviously the developers have the ability to shoot without anything in the way. Please let us have that, Egosoft!

But I must remind you that I love Trespasser, and you should probably remember that when I make any recommendation. To help with that, I've cunningly interspersed the goggling gallery of space vistas with some shots of a shonky dinosaur simulator that I occasionally reload and play. To be fair, I've labelled both games. The Rebirth shots cab be embiggened.








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