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Is the Starfield Dream Home worth it and where is the location?

Everything you need to know about the tempting trait

Starfield image showing the outside of the Dream Home at night.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bethesda Game Studios

Want to know more about the Dream Home trait in Starfield? Most Bethesda RPGs allow you to purchase player housing, but Starfield lets you start with a house straight away thanks to the Dream Home trait. This does come with its drawbacks, though, as the Dream Home trait also nets you a sizeable 125,000 credit mortgage. That's quite a lot of debt to have as you start your space pirate shenanigans, but is the Dream Home trait worth it? And how does the Dream Home mortgage actually work?

In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about the Starfield Dream Home trait. We'll cover where to find the Dream Home location, the weekly mortgage cost, what the Dream Home looks like and whether you should pick it over other Starfield traits.

Was Starfield worth the wait? Liam and Alice B discuss this question - and more - in the video above.Watch on YouTube

Where to find the Starfield Dream Home

Your Starfield Dream Home is located on Nesoi in the Olympus System. It is a landing location on the Nesoi planet, so you won't need to search hard to find it, and you can fast travel their after completing the Old Neighborhood mission.

But to reach it, you'll need to trigger the Dream Home mission. This side-mission will appear after you complete "One Small Step," the second main mission in Starfield, if you took the Dream Home trait during character creation.

Once you trigger the quest, you will have the option to visit your Starfield Dream Home on Nesoi as well as an option to see Landry Hollifeld in New Atlantis about your mortgage. You can do either step first, but you probably want to at least see your new home before the bank threatens you with foreclosure, so select the quest step and follow the quest markers to the house.

Is the Starfield Dream Home trait worth it?

It is worthwhile to choose the Starfield Dream Home trait so you can have an affordable place to store items and customize to your liking starting very early in your playthrough.

If you just want to see what the Dream Home looks like, you can find pictures of each room below:

Starfield image showing the entryway of the Dream Home, with a small kitchen/breakfast bar on the far side.
Starfield image showing a lower portion of the entryway, down a short flight of steps.
Starfield image showing a bathroom in the Dream Home.
Starfield image showing the upper landing of the Dream Home, with a corridor leading to more doors.
Starfield image showing a bathroom in the Dream Home.
Starfield image showing an empty bedroom in the Dream Home.
Starfield image showing an empty bedroom in the Dream Home.
Starfield image showing the Dream Home balcony.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Bethesda Game Studios

The well-designed residence is two stories tall and has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a cooking station. Upstairs, you can find a rooftop that overlooks Nesoi's scenic landscape. There's plenty of room to turn your home into a place to display the things you find throughout your playthrough or to simply show off your unique taste.

Of course, it's worth noting that it will cost you one of your three trait selection options, and it puts you in debt early in the game. However, it won't take you long to earn the requisite number of credits to pay off the mortgage, and it's convenient to have a home early in the game for a mere 500 credits a week. In contrast, many of the game's other traits lead to ongoing debuffs that stay with you throughout your playthrough.

And, as an added bonus, you won't need to undergo ship contraband scans when you visit your Starfield Dream Home. So, if you're dealing in shady goods, your Dream Home is a great place to hoard all your Starfield contraband until you find an appropriate buyer.

How to pay the Dream Home mortgage in Starfield

Upon visiting, you'll find that you have to pay 500 credits to get into the home, which gives you access to it for a week. If you cannot make this payment, the bank will lock your Starfield Dream Home, and you won't be able to enter. Note that this is an interest-only payment, and those 500 credits won't chip away at your 125,000 credit debt.

Once you've spent some time remodeling your Starfield Dream Home, you'll want to visit Landry at the bank. This smarmy fellow will give you the option to pay the hefty mortgage in full, to surrender the home to the bank, or to continue your 500 credit weekly interest-only payments.

Getting rid of the home will take the debt off your hands, but you will also lose any items and effects on the premises. But you didn't choose the Starfield Dream Home trait just to give up your mansion, so you'll likely want to keep up with the payments and eventually find a way to pay the mortgage in full. Fortunately, it won't take all that long to get rich quick in Starfield, as you can earn the sum in about 10 hours of gameplay.

There's no obligation to ever pay off your Starfield Dream Home 125,000 credit mortgage, so you can retain the home as long as you want just by making the weekly 500 credit payments. If you choose not to pay back the mortgage, this could mean you'll pay much less for your dwelling than you would if you buy a house outright.

That's everything you need to know to find your Starfield Dream House. If you're just getting started on your space adventure, you may also want to check out our overview of the best skills on the Starfield skill tree, our guide to the best Starfield builds and our list of console commands and cheats. We've also got guides for the Starfield romance options, Starfield lockpicking and a list of all Item IDs.

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