Summoned: The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition Trailer
I never really got to explore The Witcher 2, mostly because my wheezing computer took one look at the first level and had a little single-framerate cry in the corner. I've since upgraded it with a graphics card larger than my first flat and finally feel in a position to take on Geralt and co. in all their luminescent glory. In good timing, because the forthcoming Enhanced Edition will soon be on us, adding all kinds of fancy new content to the adventures. Here, have a trailer for it showcasing the new features, and bear in mind it's all going to be free for anyone who bought the game before the update hits on April 17th.
Viewer beware, it's Not Safe For Work due to scenes of brief nudity. It's also a bit spoilerish due to the nature of its content, though I was happy in my ignorance in this and all things.