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The Division Movie Announced, Jake Gyllenhaal Onboard

Sound & vision

I'm not saying that Jake Gyllenhaal killed someone then Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot met him in the woods on a winter's night with a shovel and a hacksaw to help bury the body - that would be libel. However, you tell me how you think Ubi got the Prince of Persia star into another movie based on a video game. Ubi today formally announced a film adaptation of The Division [official site], see, and Jakeo is signed up to star alongside Jessica Chastain (the sister in Crimson Peak, and Murph in Interstellar).

The Division, to fill in folks who didn't fancy the MMO-ish shooter, is set in New York City after a virus tears through the city, transmitted on money passed around on Black Friday. Unchecked capitalism will be the death of us, yeh? The Man quarantines Manhattan and super secret sleeper agents are awakened to help establish order and shoot the opportunistic naughty men who've taken over. It is a pretty good setup for an action movie.

Chastain and Gyllenhaal are "attached" to the movie, which means they're well up for it, and they're also developing it with their respective production companies. Do remember that movies fall apart and are rebuilt all the time in Hollywood for all manner of reasons, though.

Ubisoft also have a Splinter Cell movie coming, which they say Tom Hardy is up for, a Ghost Recon movie, a Watch Dogs movie, and a Rabbids movie. Given that Jakey G has returned to Ubi for The Division, I feel fairly confident predicting that Assassin's Creed star Michael Fassbender will return to provide motion capture for the Rabbids.

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