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The Electronic Wireless Show - IGF Special #2: Politics

Indepedent Games Festival

Hello, friends. Our podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, returned last week to talk about science fiction in games with a trio of Independent Games Festival awards nominees. One of those interviewees (Brendon Chung of Quadrilateral Cowboy) went on to win dat big ol' prize.

In the second episode of our IGF special, we talk to the makers of 1979 Revolution: Black Friday and Orwell about something called "politics". You can find it below or stream it directly from Soundcloud.

Give some time for the RSS to tie its shoelaces and you'll also be able to hear these podcasts on iTunes and other digital ghettoblasters like Stitcher and Pocket Casts, but for now you can download it from Soundcloud.

We should have another episode out for you tomorrow (last week's promises having been rendered null and void by a vicious attack of food poisoning) in which we chat to the makers of Ladykiller in a Bind and One Night Stand about...

*checks notes*


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