This One's A Keeper: Maia's First Person Mode
Maia, the procedural, Dungeon Keeper-esque space management/god game from newly ex-Mode Sevener Simon Roth, is right up there in the top branches of indie games to stare at with creepily unblinking desire. A procedural world, taking a few notes from the likes of Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft, and a highly ambitious proprietary engine to realise it all in. And, now, a first person mode, straight outta Dungeon Keeper. Here's the trippy view from behund the eyeballs of one of Maia's IMP bots.
My eyes. My brain. My already fragile sense of reality. All endangered. But I think I like it. Here too is a look at the game's lava simulation, from last month:
There are some more development odds and ends, including the lighting system and prospective character designs, over on the Maia site. Meantime, I really must kidnap Simon Roth and force him to talk into a microphone about his plans for this game. And, before you say it, apparently he's never played Startopia.