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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Announced

Co-op open-world action

Four-player co-op man-shooting action (stop me if you've heard this one before) is coming from Ubisoft in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands [official site], a game I called "po-faced Just Cause" in our tree house but Graham more optimistically declared "Co-op Far Cry Outposts: The Game." It's an open-world third-person shooter which'll see US Special Forces roaming around Bolivia to take on a drug cartel. The US Army really does not like cocaine or people who make it.

Here, come have a peep at the announcement trailer:

Watch on YouTube

Just Cause came to mind first because, y'know: parachutes and explosions. But sadly Wildlands' parachutes are not ridiculous jet parachutes, simply ways to reach areas quietly. The Far Cry comparison is probably better, 'cause Graham's smart like that. The one mission we see in the trailer is set up like a Far Cry outpost, a small pocket of enemies and buildings for you to tackle as you see fit. You might snipe the enemy leader from afar through a window, or wait until dark then sneak in and take everyone down, or just make a load of explosions.

It'll have a big open world filled with bad guys, with plenty of vehicles to travel around in, and maybe a few groups to cosy up to.

It's being made by Ubisoft Paris with help from the company's Annecy, Bucharest, Montpellier, Milan, and Reflection studios. No firm word on a release date for this one. I'll blithely speculate 2017 but the hell do I know?

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