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A Game And A Chat: Transistor

Likelihood Of Hum-A-Long: 89.75%

Transistor has hit these mean cyberpunk streets, and I've beaten it up, down, and sideways. Or just, you know, the normal way. I thought it was pretty good, but I also came away ever so slightly disappointed. The world was gorgeous, the story was nuanced in surprising ways, and the combat was better than it had any right to be, but all three came so tantalizingly close to touching the sun that my heart sank when they fell. What brought us here, though? What went wrong? What went right? How do SuperGiant's games always integrate gameplay and music so incredibly well?

Today I'm playing Transistor and chatting with creative director Greg Kasavin and audio director/music man Darren Korb. We're getting started at 11 AM PT/7 PM RPS time. Transistor, Bastion, beards of lordly caliber - it will probably all be discussed. Tune in below!

Update: We're done! And it turns out my camera/mic was not working through the whole thing, so it was kind of a disaster. Welp.

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