C'Est Le Trippy Far Cry Mod
This blog (scroll down if you don't read French) has the details of an artful Far Cry mod that references Samuel Beckett and Fritz Lang alongside Rez, Shadow Of The Colossus, and Fahrenheit, in its design blurb. It seems to be called "Jeux d'ombres", which means something like "Play Of Shadows" "Shadow Play", apparently. Although "Game Of Shadows" is the literal translation. My complete lack of professionalism means that I don't have a copy of Far Cry handy to test this out on, but the description and trailer makes it sound worth taking a nose at...
Thus, in "Naissance", and "Jeux d'ombres" in particular, I reflected on the manner of using systems usually reserved for the installation of atmosphere, like the lights or the particles, but I diverted this use in order to create new facets of gameplay. The light and the shades give the rate of steps of the player, it unnerves him, deforming space.
Yikes. Check this out:
You can download Jeux d'ombres here. (Twenty-six of your megabytes.) Please report in comments if you've managed to get it working.
Thanks to the Laziest Tom for the head's up. (Finish a game, man!)