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Walking Dead Episode 2 Coming To Life On June 29

Oh the ways in which life imitates art - although I suppose, in this case, it's un-life. The zombie fad constantly verges on down-for-the-count, only to spring back onto its feet and take a toothy lunge at your clavicle with hits like Day Z and, of course, Telltale's surprisingly fantastic take on The Walking Dead. The latter, I suppose, is relevant to this discussion, but honestly, I don't feel like we've discussed Day Z enough. Maybe I should just tell you about this one time I... oh fine. Walking Dead. It's getting a second episode, because it'd be a pretty miserable episodic game if it didn't.

Specifically, "Starving For Help" picks up convicted murderer Lee Everett's story where it left off, and you'll get to dive back in on June 29 - which is Friday by my estimation. Finally, then, you have a reason to be excited about Friday, the most un-beloved and mundane day of them all. Here's hoping, however, that bugs don't wriggle out of this episode's eye sockets. Then again, Telltale's on an incredibly tight schedule with these things, so it remains to be seen if it had time to squash the issues that plagued the first.

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