Eggscavated: Wonderland Dizzy Found And Freed
My head is spinning
You might scoff at the rude 'tude of '90s video game mascots, but '80s icons were weirder. Consider Dizzy, a puzzle-platforming egg with a face, hands, and feet. You may find it difficult to believe, but Dizzy was once so big that he (or a chap in a Dizzy costume) was lined up to present the 1989 Smash Hits Poll Winners Party - and pulled out after being mobbed backstage by a group of egg-crazed teenagers.
Steel yourselves, girls: Dizzy is back. His creators Philip and Andrew Oliver have rediscovered a Dizzy game they never finished, Wonderland Dizzy [official site], and released it finished-up for free.
As The Oliver Twins explain in the following video, they stumbled across a map for Wonderland Dizzy in a box of eggtifacts they brought to Play Blackpool for a talk about their work. And could not remember if they'd ever released the tweaked and reskinned remake of Magicland Dizzy. Digging around in the loft, they found code for Wonderland Dizzy on NES and sent it over to eggmaniac Lukasz Kur, who got it into working shape. He's added new modes and features, including two-player, an option for infinite lives, and more languages. Here's the story of it all:
You can play it in your browser or download to run in your emulator of choice.
And here's a peek at Wonderland Dizzy: