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War Games: Meet The World's Best World Of Tanks Team

Smash it

From a two-day event of brutality and tough but somehow sensual tank action has emerged a single victor. Wargaming [official website] has announced the winners of its official Dudes Who Are The Best Ever At Playing World Of Tanks award, better known as the Grand Finals Champions of Wargaming eSports Poland 2015.

The winner is a group of Russia-born lads called HellRaisers.

And it was a heck of a fight. The final saw HellRaisers, who had surprised everybody by defeating the 2014 champion team Na`Vi, brawl with China's EL Gaming. In the end, it was a decisive victory for HellRaisers, who won 7:1 against their opponents.

“It’s been the best, most significant tournament for HellRaisers,” said Yuriy Buharov, who manages HellRaisers. “The competition was both stressful and exhilarating. We gave our all, fought tooth and nail, and won! The work Wargaming has done to organize an event this massive at such a quality level impressed all of us. Tournaments like The Grand Finals push the entire eSports industry forward, bringing it closer to popular real life sports of today, and it's great being a part of this revolutionary trend.”

The event, which took place in Warsaw last weekend, was made up of 12 teams and a nice pot of $300,000 in that filthy tanking lucre.

“This event left us speechless,” said Mohamed Fadl, the man at the head of eSports at Wargaming. “We knew that the top teams have a huge fan base but to see tens of thousands of them joining us to watch their stars play for the world championship was truly breathtaking. We have a new world champion, and we saw so many big surprises during these two days. This is just the beginning of a long journey for all of us, and we can’t wait for the next The Grand Finals to be even bigger and better.”

If you've got an hour on your hands and want to spend that time watching a hell of a battle as accompanied by the dulcet tons of Warsaw's native citizens shouting in a chorus of joy, watch below.

Watch on YouTube

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