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Assassin's Creed Odyssey may unveil a Story Creator Mode soon

Make your own Ship Of Theseus!

As if Assassin's Creed Odyssey wasn't mindbogglingly huge (and still-growing) already, it might just become endless soon. Today, Assassin's Creed fan-site Access The Animus mentioned on Twitter that they've been invited to test an "upcoming community oriented tool" for Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Normally, this could mean anything, except that back in April, Ubisoft community manager Dominik Voigt accidentally posted something in public that likely should have been private. Since deleted, Reddit captured it, and its mention of a "Story Creator Mode". Crisis On Infinite Kassandras? I hope so.

Ubisoft have experimented with giving the players the keys to the kingdom in Assassin's Creed Origins in the form of the Animus Control Panel. While fun to play around with, it was little more than a glorified set of debug mode tools and cheat codes. The name "Story Creator Mode", combined with mention of "community-generated content" makes me think that we're due a proper mission editor, with the option to share our scenarios with players around the world. Keep in mind that this is just speculation, but it's very in keeping with Ubisoft's modus operandi, with games like Far Cry 5 and Trials Rising having accessible editing and sharing tools.

Ubisoft really aren't keeping a tight lid on this reveal, either. Some players have noticed mysterious tool-tips referencing a 'My Stories' mode popping up after the release of the Torment Of Hades expansion just yesterday. All signs on the ancient Greek magic eight-ball point to 'Yes, there's an editor on the way'. The only question then is just how powerful will it be? Given the game's narrative leanings, I'd hope for branching dialogues at the very least. Maybe, just maybe, Alice Bell will finally be able to fill its gorgeous world(s) with as many giant women as she wants. Or make Kassandra giant!

My big wish is that it lets players build missions set in the mystical underworlds of the Fate Of Atlantis expansion. It'd be a shame to limit players just to the Grecian overworld. Fingers crossed. And on top of all of this, we're still waiting for the third chapter (and environment) of that huge expansion. If Ubisoft's plan was to keep people playing until the next Assassin's Creed comes out, they might just have pulled it off.

The Ubisoft E3 press conference (and pre-show) begins on June 10th, and starts streaming here on YouTube at 6:30pm BST. Fans of oiled Greek gods might just want to tune in. In the meantime, check out the latest expansion (and Alice Liguori's extensive video thoughts on it) here.

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