Assassin's Creed Valhalla wolf mount: how to ride a wolf
You can ride a giant wolf in AC: Valhalla. Here's how.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla features a wide range of mounts that you can ride. Most of them are horses, one of them is a big wolf called Hati. Getting the Hati mount requires very little effort, but unfortunately seems to be locked behind a paywall. In this guide we'll explain how to get the wolf mount in AC: Valhalla, and how to ride it.
In this Assassin's Creed Valhalla guide:
- How to get the Hati Wolf Mount in Assassin's Creed Valhalla
- How to ride a wolf
- Can you get the wolf mount for free?
How to get the Hati Wolf Mount in Assassin's Creed Valhalla
There are currently two ways to get the Hati Wolf Mount in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. The first is to purchase either the Ultimate or Collector's editions of the game. These both come with a Berserker Pack, which includes the Hati Wolf Mount. To get it, just complete the Berserker mission at the start of the game, then unlock the stable at your settlement. After some progress in the story, the Wolf Mount will unlock.
The second way to get the Hati Wolf Mount is from the store. Head into your menus and then select 'Store'. Hati is located under the 'Companions' menu and costs 800 Helix Credits. These can only be purchased with real money unfortunately.
How to ride a wolf
You can ride a wolf by selecting the Hati mount from a stable. This will then become your selected mount, meaning you can call it to you with a whistle. You can switch out your mount by heading back to a stable, there's one at your settlement. Note that you cannot ride any other wolves you may come across while playing.
Can you get the wolf mount for free?
Currently, I have not found a way to get the wolf mount for free. There's a possibility that it will be added to the Thousand Eyes store at some point, as other exclusive gear appears in there from time to time. Check this store every day for the wolf, and be aware that you'll need to buy it with Opals if it does show up. If I find any other way to get a wolf mount, I will update this guide.
That's how to get a wolf mount in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. For more on the game be sure to read our guide to romancing in Valhalla or out tips for customising your Valhalla ship.