Far Cry 5's latest trailer shows more culty shenannigans
The great purple truck of justice
There's less than 2 months to go before Far Cry 5 swoops onto our screens and I can't think of a better way to celebrate that fact than to watch a story focused trailer. Actually I can, and that would be to watch a trailer that just shows someone mucking around with wingsuits, bears and rocket launchers instead, but we can't always get what we want. And in fairness, the new trailer does include a decent amount of that sort of thing too.
Get ready to see a whole bunch of people murdering other people while waving their holy books in the air, as well as someone being savaged by a bear, a dog and a combine harvester. Not at the same time, obviously. That would be silly.
To summarise: an unhinged cult leader and his followers need to be taken down, possibly with the use of bows, flamethrowers and massive purple trucks. That cult leader has some family issues, by the looks of things.
It's hard to keep track of the story details we've already seen, because Ubisoft's trailer-o-tron has been pumping away for a while now. If you're not bothered by the story and just want to see more of how the game actually plays though, then this 8 minute "gameplay walkthrough" from Gamescom should do the trick.
If that doesn't sate your burning desire for Far Cry 5 details, then you should probably take a walk outside or something. Then come back and read John's thoughts about how much better the story could have been if it had risen above sterotypes, or how much Adam enjoyed playing with a dog when he got his hands on the game at E3.
At the end of the day, I don't actually mind if the story isn't particularly interesting. As long as there's plenty of this, I'll be happy.
Far Cry 5 comes out on March 27th.