Ghost Recon Wildlands' Sandbox Action Due March 2017
See the E3 trailer
Ghost Recon: Wildlands [official site] will bring another open murderworld to us on March 7th, 2017, Ubisoft have announced during their big E3 shindig. They also released a new gameplay trailer with nine minutes of armymen romping around a foreign country, infiltrating a cartel compound to extract a chap with a knack for making bodies vanish. Don't worry, the four-man co-op squad and their awkward banter manage to squeeze in a helicopter chase and a few explosions. Watch:
Wildlands sees Ghost Recon romping around Bolivia to take down a Mexican cartel who've moved in to do naughty things with naughty drugs. Across an open world, Ghost Recon get to take down targets any way they please, from sneakily to explosively. Supposedly it'll have a faction system to win people over and play them against each other, though it's not clear how significant that is. And, obvs, it's got co-op as well as singleplayer. March 7th, y'all.
Do check out the rest of our E3 2016 posts, previews, odds, ends, and gubbins.