How to defeat Bandits in Manor Lords
Here's how to stop Bandits from stealing your resources in Manor Lords
Trying to deal with Bandits in Manor Lords? Bandits are a definite annoyance in Manor Lords, especially in the early hours of a new game when all you're trying to do is expand your struggling town successfully. They'll swoop in at unfortunate moments, stealing precious resources right from under your nose, and they'll keep up this nefarious pattern until you manage to put a stop to them.
If you're tired of your goods disappearing, read on. In this guide on how to stop Bandits from stealing in Manor Lords, we'll identify the steps you need to take to protect the products of your burgeoning settlement.
How to deal with Bandits in Manor Lords
Dealing with Bandits is relatively simple - you've got to kill them and conquer their camps.
That said, you need an army to do this. Our guide to raising an army in Manor Lords has full details on doing so. Once your militia is assembled, take note of any bandit camps that exist on the map. These spawn at random over the course of a Manor Lords game, and the game notifies you when one has been sighted on the map. You can actually zoom in at your leisure and see the Bandits hanging out, enjoying the spoils they're pilfered from you around their campfire.

To wreck their party, guide your army over to their camp, which will typically be a long trek into a new zone of the map. Once your army arrives, the Bandits will send our their forces to battle yours. As long as your militia has an ample selection of varied recruits (or Mercenaries), there should be no issue with stomping the Bandits to the ground. Click on their camp one more time once all Bandits have been defeated to conquer the camp for yourself, acquiring Regional Wealth in the process and putting a stop to the thievery.
Unlike Raiders, Bandits do not actually attack your settlement. Instead, they merely sit at their camps and appear to steal goods at random intervals. So heading out with your army to squash them might seem somewhat aggressive, until you remember that in the middle of a harsh winter, Bandits siphoning off your food supplies will wreck a town in short order. They're a threat, and it's best to take care of them sooner rather than later.
If you'd rather have a Bandit-free Manor Lords experience, you can reduce the number of Bandits that spawn by tweaking the Initial bandit camps and Random bandit camp spawn limit settings when you start a new game. For a more relaxed experience, you can also choose the Rise to prosperity difficulty setting, which has no bandits whatsoever. For more info on Manor Lords' varied difficulties, see our guide to the best starting scenario.
That's a wrap on taking care of Bandits. For more on growing your village into a bustling town, take a look at our guides on laying down roads, demolishing buildings, engaging in trade, or even exploring your ever-growing town in third person Visit Mode.