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Podcast: Our most anticipated games of 2018

Listen now before it's too late

What do you mean there's a whole month of 2017 left? Well, the disembodied mouths of the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, are tired of waiting. This week the team look at some of the most exciting upcoming games of 2018. Adam is looking forward to smashing big robots with other, bigger robots in Battletech. Matt wants to make trousers from dinosaur skin in Monster Hunter World. And Brendan forgot all about how much he's excited by surreal isometric detective game No Truce With The Furies.

We've also got some chat about Viking strategy game Northgard and yet more love for FTL follow-up Into The Breach. Plus, our Patch Adam quiz is back!

You can listen above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later.

You can also get the RSS feed here or find it on iTunes, Stitcher or Pocket Casts. Anticipatory music is by Jack de Quidt.

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Surreal detective game No Truce With The Furies

Turning dinos into pants in Monster Hunter World

Anthem looks borrrrring

But Frostpunk looks good

The Crew 2 is accidentally a transformers game

A road trip in The Crew

Phoenix Point is X-COM man's new game

Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a release date but looks good

Civilization VI's Rise and Fall expansion is out next year

Adam loves Kingdom Come: Deliverance's skill trees

My Summer Car review (early access)

Into The Breach is ace, so say we all

So is Northgard


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