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Sequels for the sequel throne! Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 bringing more WH40K spaceship RTS action

Space is the real bad place

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Cadian Sector, here comes Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 bursting forth with more Warhammer 40,000 real-time-strategy spaceship combat. Publishers Focus Home today announced a sequel to Tindalos Interactive's 2016 game, saying it will launch some time later this year. Armada 2 boasts many more playable factions, I'm told, with "the Imperial Navy, Space Marines, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons, Chaos, Aeldari Corsairs, Aeldari Craftworld, Drukhari, the T'au Merchant and Protector Fleets, Orks, and finally, the Tyranids." Here, meet some of those in the cinematic announcement trailer:

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The first game launched with only a handful of factions and added some of those as paid DLC for the first game, so this is a decent lineup. I am certainly interested in Tyranid spacesquids devouring spaceships.

Reading around, it seems some players are discontent with how the first game's balance ended up, which might make me a little concerned about how Tindalos will balance so many more factions in the sequel. What say you, fleet commanders?

Today's announcement says that Armada 2 will include several "extensive and dynamic" campaigns built around the 40K story of the Gathering Storm and the 13th Black Crusade. Other features include "bigger battles, refined gameplay, improved multiplayer modes and features for a better and more balanced online experience, improvements across the board and even more customisation options for fleets and ships."

Yep, all I know is what the announcement tells me - for now. Focus will show the game to press at an event in early February, and our Adam will be there so he should have something more concrete and useful soon.

What's the first game like anyway? Daniel Starkey liked it in his Battlefleet Gothic: Armada review:

"Whether you're drawn in by the setting or have to cut through the silliness and jargon, you might be in for a treat. This is one of the best real-time tactical games I've played in quite some time."

Doesn't let you eat ships as a spacesquid though, does it?

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