Starfield Final Glimpses walkthrough
Here's how to upgrade your ship or acquire a new one to complete the Final Glimpses mission
How do you upgrade, buy, or earn a new ship to complete the Final Glimpses main mission? The Starfield Final Glimpses mission is the final step to completing the Unearthed mission. It also acts as a prequel to another mission, Entangled, which marks the last objective of Final Glimpses. But, to successfully build this bridge between missions, you'll need to acquire a new ship or upgrade your current one to travel further than ever before.
Before to explore all the objectives, it's worth taking some time, or coming back to our guides on every ship you can buy, how to sell ships, and how to change ships. So, you're best prepared for what's ahead.
Starfield Final Glimpses walkthrough
To complete the Final Glimpses mission, you'll want to complete the following objectives:
- Return to The Lodge
- Obtain a ship with a 21LY Grav Jump range
- Go to the first planet
- Take the artifact
- Go to Freya III
- Investigate the distress signal
- Complete the Entangled mission
Acquiring the ship is just the first step. Once you've figured that out, we've detailed descriptions on the rest of the Final Glimpses mission below.
1. Return to The Lodge

Fast travel back to The Lodge on Jemison via the data menu. Here, you will talk to Vladimir Sall once again. He will give you two planets to visit. The first will be random, differing per playthrough. For us, this was Gunibuu V-b. For you, it may be something different. The second, Freya III. Head to the random planet first.
2. Obtain a ship with a 21LY Grav Jump range

While you won't need a ship with a 21LY Grav Jump for the first planet, we suggest following this objective now since you're nearby to a Ship Services Technician located on the spaceport of New Atlantis. This objective, needed for Freya III, is more easily achieved now rather than later (as long as you've got the credits to spend).
Speak to the Ship Services Technician and ask either to view and modify your current ship(s) or ask to see what ships he has for sale.

You can either pay to add an engine with a Grav Jump of 21LY or more, or purchase an entirely new ship with one already built-in. Or, you can retrieve the Razorleaf during the Mantis side mission. It's up to you. It's important to take a look into how to upgrade your ship before you decide the best path for you.
3. Go to the first planet

Head to the first random planet and confront whatever awaits there. For us, it was Gunibuu V-b and a Deserted Listening Post with Pirate Freebooters to gun down.
4. Take the artifact

Here, head down to a cave and a Starborn will appear in front of the rock holding artifact Omicron. Defeat them and then remove the artifact by equipping the Cutter.
5. Go to Freya III

If you followed objective two, you'll now be able to travel to Freya III with your 21LY or more Grav Jump ability.
6. Investigate the distress signal

As you enter Freya III's orbit, you will immediately receive a transmission from a nearby satellite issuing a distress signal to investigate. This marks the start of the Entangled mission.
7. Complete the Entangled mission

To complete Final Glimpses, you will need to finish the Entangled mission that launched during the distress signal. Land at the Nishina Research Station and head inside to begin.
Finish Entangled and you'll have completed the Final Glimpses mission too. As you near the end of the Starfield main missions, it's worth taking time to reflect on the best weapons to make sure you're best equipped for what's to come. Also, make sure you've spent all your skill points wisely.