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Witchier: The Witcher 3 Adding New Game+ Mode

Not this week

Wednesday is Free Witcher 3 [official site] Day, and this week is due to bring the last of its sixteen planned freebies. What oh what could it- oh, no, it won't be coming this week. Still, developers CD Projekt RED have announced what the final titbit will be, and it's a good'un: a New Game+ mode.

For folks not down with the lingo, New Game+ modes let folks who've finished a game start again but keep the character and equipment they had at the end, with enemies scaled appropriately to still provide a challenge. Assuming Witcher 3's mode works the usual way, you'll start with all your fancy end-game swords, armour, potions, XP, and abilities.

"Stay tuned for more info regarding the release," RED say on Facebook. "It won't happen this week though - we need a little bit more time to finish it."

I'm a fair way from the end myself - 75 hours in, I'm still kicking round Skellige - but some folks have been clamouring for NG+ since, well, a couple of days after the game came out. Oh, to have the time and attention span of my youth again! Nowadays I'll lose hours prodding and poking at injuries trying to figure out whether they've become permanent.

So, what have y'all made of this free Witcher 3 DLC? We've seen armour and beards, missing miners and a fantastic outfit for Yen, crossbows and Nilfgaardian armour, a village of pigs and fancy Gwent card art, a glam outfit for Triss and more armour for Geralt, Skellige armour and a monster hunt, a showdown with another witcher, actual armour for Ciri, and new killing blows. They've mostly been small things, but I've enjoyed them, and enjoyed having another reason to return to the game. Whether any of them could've been finished in time to launch in the core game, well, I don't really mind - it's hardly a small game, and I haven't felt their absence.

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