Dark Souls 3 Trailer Combines '80s Pop With Murder
Souls shows its true colours
Dark Souls 3 [official site] will be with us in less than seven weeks, and the footage we've seen so far has been pretty blooming terrifying. The latest trailer, backed by a hauntingly dysfunctional rendition of Cyndi Lauper's True Colors, offers another glimpse at life in the Lothric Kingdom. If, like me, you have "You Died" etched into the small section of your brain you've set aside specifically for From Software games, perhaps Lauper's Time After Time would've been a more suitable soundtrack to append all the inevitable death. Either way, it looks darn good.
After nipping away from the wheel during Dark Souls II's development to focus on Bloodborne, series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki is back at the (Fang Boar) helm this time round, which seems pretty clear from this here trailer:
Speed and a lesser-reliance on shield play were a huge part of the aforementioned PS4 exclusive's makeup, which is something Adam found to be true in his brief stint with Dark Souls III last year. As you might have spotted above, like in Bloodborne, the protagonist character is often seen without a shield whatsoever, facing off against foes wielding two melee weapons. If you didn't play Bloodborne - and have never managed to master the art of parrying up to now - this isn't quite as tough as it might at first sound. Then again, it is a Souls game. So, yeah, it's still tough enough.
Best of luck to you when Dark Souls III arrives on April 12th.