Elden Ring stats explained, once and for all
The ultimate guide to understanding all the different Elden Ring stats
Need some help understanding what the different Elden Ring stats actually do? As with most RPGs, there's a wealth of different stats that govern the strengths and weaknesses of your character in Elden Ring. But understanding what those stats actually do is harder in Elden Ring than most games.
That's why we've worked to put together the ultimate guide to all of Elden Ring's stats. Below, we'll explain all of the base stats, attributes, and resistances in Elden Ring and what exactly they do.
Elden Ring base stats explained
Every player in Elden Ring has 8 base stats: HP, FP, Stamina, Weight, Equip Load, Poise, Discovery, and Memory Slots. Here's what they all do:
Stat | Effect |
HP | Your character's Health. If your HP drops to 0, you die and drop all your runes on the ground where you died. |
FP | Your character's Focus Points. Acts like Mana, allowing you to cast spells, summon Spirit Ashes, and use Ashes Of War skills. |
Stamina | Fast-replenishing resource which is used up when attacking, blocking, rolling, and sprinting. If you're out of Stamina, you must wait for it to replenish before performing any of these actions. |
Weight | The total combined weight of all your equipped weapons and armour. Measured against your Equip Load to determine your character's manoeuvrability. |
Equip Load | How much weight your character can comfortably hold. The greater the Equip Load-to-Weight ratio, the faster and more safely you can roll and backstep. |
Poise | The higher your Poise, the lower your chances of collapsing under the strength of enemy attacks. |
Discovery | The higher your Discovery, the greater your chances of defeated enemies dropping loot. Also increases your chances of the loot being high-quality. |
Memory Slots | Your character's spell slots. Determines how many spells you can add to your quick spell select menu. |
Equip Load explained (even more)
Most of these stats are fairly easy to understand, although the relationship between your character's Weight and Equip Load is worth an extra table. This is because, depending on your Weight-to-Equip-Load ratio, your character will fall into one of four categories: Light Load, Medium Load, Heavy Load, and Overloaded. Here's what each of those categories means:
Equip Load Ratio | Effect |
0% to 29.9% | Furthest roll distance, faster backstep recovery. Greatest number of invincibility frames. |
30% to 69.9% | Greatest number of invincibility frames but average roll distance and backstep recovery speed. |
70% to 99.9% | Reduced Stamina regeneration rate. Lower number of invincibility frames. Slower roll and backstep recovery. |
100% and over | Reduced movement speed. Unable to roll or backstep. |
Elden Ring attributes explained
Aside from your base stats, you also have access to 8 attributes. These stats are the ones that you can level up using runes at any Site Of Grace, and the aspect of your character that you have most control over. Your player's overall level is, quite simply, all your attributes added together.
Here's what all of your attributes mean in Elden Ring:
Attribute | Effect |
Vigor | Increases HP, Fire Resistance, and Immunity. |
Mind | Increases FP and Focus. |
Endurance | Increases Stamina, Equip Load, and Robustness. |
Strength | Increases attack damage with Strength-scaling weapons. Also increases Physical defences. |
Dexterity | Increases attack damage with Dexterity-scaling weapons. Also reduces fall damage, spellcasting time, and chances of being knocked off your horse. |
Intelligence | Increases attack damage with Intelligence-scaling spells and weapons. Also increases Magical defences. |
Faith | Increases attack damage with Faith-scaling spells and weapons. |
Arcane | Increases attack damage with Arcane-scaling spells and weapons. Also increases Holy defence and Vitality, and increases buildup of poison, bleed, sleep, and madness on enemies you attack. |
Elden Ring resistance stats explained
The final step in understanding all your Elden Ring character stats is to look at your resistances. Every player has 4 resistances to keep track of. Here's what they do:
Resistance | Effect |
Immunity | Resistance to Poison and Scarlet Rot. The higher your Immunity, the slower your Poison/Rot gauge will fill up. Increases with Vigor. |
Robustness | Resistance to Blood Loss and Frostbite. The higher your Robustness, the slower your Blood Loss/Frostbite gauge will fill up. Increases with Endurance. |
Focus | Resistance to Sleep and Madness. The higher your Focus, the slower your Sleep/Madness gauge will fill up. Increases with Mind and character level. |
Vitality | Resistance to Death Blight. The higher your Vitality, the slower your Death Blight gauge will fill up. Increases with Arcane. |
In addition to these, there are other self-explanatory defence-related stats like your Physical Defense and Magical Defense (which as you might imagine, govern how much or little damage you take against physical or magical attacks. There are also separate defence stats for particular damage types, such as Strike, Slash, and Pierce damage for physical attacks, and Fire, Lightning, and Holy damage for magical attacks. Simply put, the higher your defence against a certain attack type, the less damage you'll take from an attack of that type.
Elden Ring status effects explained
To fully understand what each of the above resistances actually do, it's important to understand the different status effects that they protect you against. Here's a list of the major status effects in Elden Ring and what they do:
Status Effect | Effect |
Poison | Deals damage over time. |
Scarlet Rot | Deals high damage over time. |
Blood Loss | Deals a high amount of instant damage. |
Frostbite | Deals instant damage, reduces daamge, and decreases Stamina recovery speed. |
Sleep | Makes victim fall asleep or lose their balance. |
Madness | Deals a high amount of instant damage, reduces FP, and stuns the victim. |
Death Blight | Instantly kills the victim. |
That's all the Elden Ring stats explained in enough detail to see you through the entire game and its legions of stat-altering items and weaponry. To that end - why not now check out our guide to the best weapons and best armor sets in Elden Ring? You can also check out our guide on how to level up in Elden Ring, or our Elden Ring walkthrough and area order guide if your stats are starting to feel underlevelled.