Podcast: Why we can't stop playing Wilmot's Warehouse
Listen now and sort yourself out
You are handed a box. Inside, another hour of ceaseless chatter from three folks on the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. Oh no, where re you supposed to put this? Maybe it should go next to the knives in the "dangerous items" pile. Or you could store it beside the tennis rackets in "hobby equipment". Oh hell, let's just make a whole new category for it: "things to listen to in the car".
Can you guess what our special Can't Stop Playing podcast is this month? Yes, it's minimalist sort 'em up Wilmot's Warehouse.
What a good game of warehouse shuffling. Alice B likes to pile beautiful sunsets on top of one another, nine boxes high. Brendan likes to store dangerous buttons next to the nuclear missiles. And I can't remember what boxes Nate likes. Probably eggs.
You can listen on Spotify, or above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later.
You can also get the RSS feed here or find it on iTunes, Stitcher or Pocket Casts. Music is by Jack de Quidt, who we store next to the clarinets.
We can't stop playing Wilmot's Warehouse
Nate's Wilmot's Warehouse review
It's a language game, says Philosophy Matt