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Podcast: Good game, bad story

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“I love to shoot the men!” you shout, as you pump 100 bullets into the prostrate torso of a dead soldier in Far Cry 5. “I’m so glad there are no cutscenes to--


“Oh no.”

And lo, the lord delivered unto ye a sermon of the highest tedium, and the Four Ubisoft Writers of the Apocalypse rode over the earth and reaped the souls of all humanity with pointless exposition and dull characterisation. It was a bad time. But it’s not the only strong game let down by a bad tale. The latest episode of the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, is unable to discuss all the offenders, but we can take a punt.

Alec is semi-suffering through the aforementioned Far Cry 5, adoring the woodland and the idle joy of a good gunfight between the trite, enforced storytelling. Brendan has been deriding a powerful serpent Goddess in Final Fantasy XV while navigating plot holes the size of a Regalia. Meanwhile, Katharine has been partnering up! That’s right, she’s been playing co-op prison break game A Way Out. Oh, she also got married or something.

You can listen above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later.

You can also get the RSS feed here or find it on iTunes, Stitcher or Pocket Casts. Scurrying feet noises arranged like "music" is by Jack de Quidt.

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