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  1. Programming Is The Best Puzzle Game

    Supporters only: Programming Is The Best Puzzle Game

    Infinite levels

    Last month, Marsh Davies wrote for us about the properties that define a good puzzle game by speaking to designers like Jonathan Blow and Draknek. The article offers great insight into why some games get their hooks into you and others don't, but it's made me realise something: programming is my favourite puzzle game.

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  2. Life In Flowcharts: Are Games Art?

    Supporters only: Life In Flowcharts: Are Games Art?

    Flow Free

    As our blockbuster series of flowcharts explaining all of gaming continues, this time we turn our guiding gaze toward whether games are art. It's a complex subject, and one that requires a depth of nuance to comprehend, so follow as down the arrows as we explore the topic.

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  3. Planes, Games And Random Douglas

    Supporters only: Planes, Games And Random Douglas

    Gaming so you don't have to

    I travel a fair bit for work and that means some long plane journeys. On my most recent flight I decided to play a handful of games on the in-flight entertainment system and see how they held up...

    Eight hours. Eight hours in the air heading back to Heathrow. This has been the trip I've finally cracked and decided to try out the in-flight entertainment games. I think it's because I've been at an eSports event for days, almost exclusively viewing and not playing. At this point I'll take any form of gaming.

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  4. The Most Accurate Predictions For Gaming Over The Next Five Years

    The past, I’ve noticed, is rather easy to predict. But sadly our skills in pre-precognition do not extend nearly so well to remembering the future. And when it comes to gaming trends, we the people are at our absolute worst.

    Even our greatest technomystics fail to offer any useful information about the direction in which our pursuit could be heading. The vast majority of predictions tend to declare that whatever’s big at the moment is going to go on to take over everything else. And it never, ever does.

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  5. I Was A Teenage Transport Tycoon

    Supporters only: I Was A Teenage Transport Tycoon

    Rock And Rail

    Looking back, I wonder if a little bit of the old ultraviolence would have been less worrying. Not that they ever expressed concern, but my parents must have found it odd when I suddenly started dropping references to timetables, public transport and vehicular infrastructure management into conversation. I hadn't became a fan of rolling stock - the truth was far darker. I wanted Transport Tycoon Deluxe and I wanted it bad.

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  6. Comfort Jumping And The Joy Of Superfluity

    Supporters only: Comfort Jumping And The Joy Of Superfluity

    Jump around!

    Pip: Hello! I've summoned you both here because of jumping in Smite. Not hero ability jumping, just regular spacebar jumping. It does nothing! Well, it actually hinders you because you can't attack while jumping – BUT I was talking to Bart from Hi-Rez and they included it in the game because people feel restricted without a jumping option.

    Graham: I LIKE THIS.

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  7. Wot I Thought: Micro-Thoughts On Many Games

    Supporters only: Wot I Thought: Micro-Thoughts On Many Games

    The Games Wot Got Away

    I've played a lot of games this year. Too many, perhaps. I've been like the kid grabbing handfuls of pick 'n' mix, even the sticky horrible jellies with bits of fluff and hair stuck to them. Here are the Ones That Got Away. Games that probably deserve my attention - and in many cases received attention from other RPS folks - but managed to slip through the net. I'm only writing a few sentences about each and will rate the using my 'crisps and associated sacks'/10 system.

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  8. The Inevitable Failure Of Transformers Games

    Supporters only: The Inevitable Failure Of Transformers Games

    And possible solutions

    I was sad to hear about Transformers Universe entering permanent stasis lock, but far more from sympathy for affected staff and a generalised disappointment that it's one more failed Transformers game than because I mourned its particular loss. I tried to play it, but this frenetic team shooter in which you could neither design your own characters or play as the most famous ones wasn't at all what I wanted, and I couldn't think of anything to write about it that would have been more than a long, drawn-out sigh.

    I do that now, but with an eye on a possible future rather than annoyed resignation.

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  9. Destiny And The Consolation Of Consoles

    Supporters only: Destiny And The Consolation Of Consoles

    A whole new world

    As you can probably guess, the majority of this job involves gaming at a PC. But I wanted to talk about why one of my games of the year - possibly my *THE* game of the year is something not to be found on the platform, and why it's important that it's not a PC game. It's Destiny.

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  10. Annual Analysis: Music, Movies And End Of Year Lists

    Supporters only: Annual Analysis: Music, Movies And End Of Year Lists

    Music and movies and games, oh my

    I love end of year lists. They're reductive and arbitrary, usually ignore anything that happened before March, and even though I claim I read them to discover the things that I might have missed, I'm usually much happier when I find a best-of collection that confirms my own beliefs about the months gone by. There's something very silly about critics accepting a start date and an end date and attempting to construct a cultural narrative. "This is what happened and this is what mattered." Here's my year in music, film and maybe a game or two.

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  11. The RPS Book Club For Games: Alive!

    Supporters only: The RPS Book Club For Games: Alive!

    Bookmark this

    Okay, so the old RPS Book Club For Games had a bit of a false start. Sorry about that. I went and had a baby. But, let's get this thing cracking, because it's going to be ace. We're all going to pick one game a month, play it, write about it, and share our thoughts.

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  12. Good Problems: The IGF Awards Are No Longer Vital

    I'm an Independent Games Festival judge every year, and it's like Christmas for a game journalist - hundreds of indie games, released and unreleased, waiting to be downloaded and played and thought about. It's through this process that I first played FTL, months before its Kickstarter, and over the years it's led me to similarly find dozens of games I might have otherwise missed.

    This year's judging just came to an end, and for me, it felt like a weak year. It's got me questioning what the IGF awards are really for.

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  13. Dying In Puddles With Friends: A NEO Scavenger Chat

    Adam and Graham have been delving into and dying inside NEO Scavenger on and off for the past year, but now the wonderful turn-based RPG is nearing release, they couldn't contain their chatter about poison puddles, drunken combat and shabby deaths any longer. WITs and Verdicts will come in due course, but for now here's some thoughts and words on the Fallout-ish, roguelike-ish, permadeath RPG.

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  14. Location, Location: Assembling The Memory Palace

    Supporters only: Location, Location: Assembling The Memory Palace

    Forgotten realms

    There are places that we can never visit, caught up in the amber of memory, myth and imagination. Games can rebuild them for us, using their own impossible architecture to bring the forgotten and the lost back into being. A computer can be a tool to open up new realms. Let's dig with it.

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  15. Text Log: Recording And Remembering Play In Writing

    Player is knowledgeable in plants.

    I like games that tell me stories, but I love games that give me stories to tell. Why don't more games make that easier?

    This isn't a plea for more non-linear games. I'd like that, sure, but it feels to me that the rise of systemic roguelikes, procedural open-worlds and multiplayer survival games mean that we've got more of those than we've ever had before.

    No, instead, I'm asking for games which make the process of remembering and telling the anecdotes from those games easier, by making the written narrative of your experience available to you.

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  16. Make Games Or Don't: Life Lessons From Game Maker

    These past 12 months, as much of my spare time has been spent fiddling around inside Game Maker: Studio as spent playing games. For all my efforts, I've released zero games, finished zero projects, won zero IGF awards, made zero millions of pounds. I do have a new found sense of self-importance though, which makes me the perfect person to impart tidbits of wisdom on the internet.

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  17. Stat Paralysis: The Roll Of Gaming

    Supporters only: Stat Paralysis: The Roll Of Gaming

    Roll Over

    I’ve been playing videogames for 33 years. It’s been my job to write about them for 15. Over this time I’ve played many thousands of games. And yet I still feel like it’s my first day on the farm every time a game asks me to pick a character’s stats.

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  18. Judgement Call: Games And Reality TV

    Supporters only: Judgement Call: Games And Reality TV

    A digital Monty Don

    There has never been an artificial intelligence as wise and handsome as baking's Paul Hollywood. That's just a fact. Here are a couple of other facts. There hasn't been a strategy game as smart as Len Goodman or a piece of software as brilliant as Tim Gunn. You've never played anything that focuses on craft and skill as strongly as Masterchef does. SpaceX founder and high-falutin' eau de toilette Elon Musk might believe that advanced artificial intelligence is an existential threat but until I can play a game that judges my work, I won't be losing sleep about the rise of the sentient chatbots.

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  19. How To More Interestingly Hate Football Manager

    Football Manager 2015 is mere weeks away from being released and prompting a huge population of people to rush towards their computer screens in order to lose themselves in a rich, detailed simulation of an alternate world. An equally huge population will be prompted in that same moment to tut and start shaking their head. "Football," they'll say. "Cuh! Just a bunch of rich haircuts. And the game's basically a spreadsheet!"

    Let me tell you: hating things can be an interesting business, but I think you can do better. Whether you genuinely do feel animosity towards Sports Interactive's long-running sports simulation series or you're simply a contrarian, there are better ways to belittle your friends' genuine fondness for a harmless activity they enjoy.

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  20. Our Treacherous Bodies

    Supporters only: Our Treacherous Bodies

    Real bodies ruin survival games

    In survival games the threat of death is omnipresent. Even when the environment and its inhabitants aren't trying to kill you, your own in-game body is a liability.

    Graham offered up a definition of survival games as those where you risk death through inaction. In just standing still you're courting the grim reaper because your body temperature, your hunger, your thirst will continue to change. It's a more realistic depiction of the body than you often get in gaming and yet it comes nowhere close to approximating the threat your real meaty avatar can pose.

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  21. The Fun And Necessity Of Discovering 'New' Games

    Supporters only: The Fun And Necessity Of Discovering 'New' Games

    Escaping The Rut

    There is no greater feeling in the world than discovering something new. Flush with excitement, anticipating your own enjoyment, brain on fire with the possibility of some new thing.

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  22. Wot We/You Decided About Supporter Posts

    Hello! Ooh, you smell nice today.

    So, based on your polling and comments last week, this is what we're going to do in terms of making subs-only bonus posts public. For the time being, anyway.

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  23. We'll Be Back After These Short Commercials

    Supporters only: We'll Be Back After These Short Commercials

    Commercial Breakdowns

    The very best thing about finding an old VHS tape isn't the shows you planned to record at the time, but the commercials in the breaks betwixt. That excellent mix of nostalgia and horror, as haircuts and moustaches try to sell you long-forgotten products makes gooey-eyed idiots of us all. Yes, even you. So does the same work, I wondered, for videogame trailers. Answer: Oh yes. I've cobbled together some trailers and TV ads, old and slightly less old, for your slightly supercilious pleasure.

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  24. Subscribers, Hello! Hello, Subscribers! A Question...

    Well then. How's it all going? Are you having a nice time? I've thrown my back out from lifting up my increasingly heavy toddler too many times, and am sleeping poorly as a result. Yup, that's the sort of red-hot scoop reserved only for RPS supporters. Well, that and the various features we've been running each week day for the last few weeks. (Hope you've managed to catch them at the time, but they're all under this tag if you want to catch up.)

    Which is what I wanted to talk to you about, if you've got a minute.

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  25. Memories Of Madness: Midnight Nowhere

    Supporters only: Memories Of Madness: Midnight Nowhere

    So bad it's weird

    I'm here to share a story about one of the worst games I've ever played and I'm here to try and understand why it's stayed in my head for almost a decade, despite having no redeemable features whatsoever. I'm here to share Midnight Nowhere with you all and I hope you can forgive me.

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  26. Shiverweirds: The Moment You Remember An Old Game

    A few weeks back I was writing about the disappointing reincarnation of Shadowgate, and in it mentioned the phenomenon of how screenshots of certain games from my past have great power. Obviously seeing a shot of a fondly remembered game brings with it nostalgic pleasure, perhaps even associated memories, and is always a treat. But when it's a game you'd forgotten you loved - perhaps because it was from so early on in your childhood, or perhaps because your brain had to make room for more phone numbers or something - the reaction to seeing it once again can be something far more powerful.

    For me, there's a dizzying rush, as well buried memories suddenly burst to the surface, images whizzing past my eyes of where I might have been sat, how old I was, who I was with. It can be a wonderful, spinny feeling. So I'm going to see if I can offer that to you today.

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  27. Editorial Stuff: Hey, Supporter Folk

    Supporters only: Editorial Stuff: Hey, Supporter Folk

    More On Supporting

    Hello there. Thanks for being here. We really do appreciate it so, so much. This is just a quick post from me about Supporter things: I wanted to answer a few questions and address a few suggestions. I'll do that below!

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  28. Oh My Goodness, Welcome To Supporting

    Supporters only: Oh My Goodness, Welcome To Supporting

    Tell Us What To Do

    This is so brilliant. A whole new, SECRET, section of the site. You’re our favourites! And because you’re our favourites, we want the Supporter Secret Treehouse to be a place where we listen to what you want us to be writing about. Where your ideas merge with our ideas, to form hyper-ideas – ideas that are maybe even too good.

    So, we’ve come up with a selection of polls for you to nominate where you’d like to see us start.

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  29. The RPS Book Club, For Games: Introduction!

    Supporters only: The RPS Book Club, For Games: Introduction!

    Bring cakes.

    Hello, and welcome to The RPS Book Club. For Games. You, our special, lovely, bright-faced and fine-fettled Supporters are invited to join our monthly play-and-say gathering for classic gaming discussion. It’s too good of a treat.

    The idea is, each month we pick a game (hopefully nominated by those participating), all run away and play/remember it as much as we possibly want, and then gather the following month to discuss it. One of Team RPS will write up a retrospective article about their experiences, and then we encourage you to do the same in the comments or on the forum, or link to your own blog, Tumblr, Storify, howsoever you wish.

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  30. Videogames & The Apparatus Of Solitude

    Supporters only: Videogames & The Apparatus Of Solitude

    Alone But Not Lonely

    As a writer, I get more than my fair share of solitude. The job is mostly about sitting alone in a room typing, for the rest of my life. However, that fact has only served to emphasize to me the importance of solitude. It's not something everyone yearns for, certainly, but I'd argue that most of us need some quiet hours. Taking time out from the throng of humanity, or even the quiet burble of domestic existence, is crucial to a rounded life.

    Those solitary hours spent with a videogame, I would argue, are more important than most.

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