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Obsidian Show Off New RPG Tyranny In E3 Trailer

Not all doom and gloom

Obsidian Entertainment, the studio behind Pillars of Eternity and Alpha Protocol, have given the first in-motion look at their next RPG. Tyranny [official site] is an RPG set in a world where the big nasty villain has already won and made everyone's life awful but maybe, just maybe, you can make it a little better. Or, y'know, worse if you'd rather.

Here, it looks like this in motion:

Watch on YouTube

We haven't posted about Tyranny much, but Obsidian have been gabbing about it. Here's a chunk of a dev blog post:

"With Tyranny we wanted to create a more nuanced evil. One where the choices players make aren’t so obviously black and white. We wanted to make a game where players were free to take the evil path as far as they want to go, and feel powerful and rewarded for it. Ultimately, RPGs are about the choices players make. With Tyranny we wanted to focus our efforts on making the world react to player choices – both in game systems and in dialogue. By now you’ve probably seen interviews where we talked about your ability to shape the world during character creation, and the alliances you can form during gameplay. These all come out of that goal – making Tyranny a highly reactive game that you can play multiple times. Each time seeing how the world changes as you make different choices."

Or, if you want to get more technical, they've talked about skills, attributes, and progression.

No firm word yet on when Tyranny will launch.

Do check out the rest of our E3 2016 posts, previews, odds, ends, and gubbins.

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