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Tom Clancy vs. Predator: Wildlands introduces movie monster

Well this is a surprise!

Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Wildlands this week introduces the Predator to the sandbox stealth-o-shooter. Yes, Predator, like the movies about headhunting aliens. Players will get to fight a Predator in a special challenge as well collect and use Predator items. As odd as this may be, it does make Wildlands more interesting to me as I'll take a monster mash over oh-so-serious imperialist fantasy any day. And the Predators and Ghosts do have a lot in common: they both enjoy sneaking around jungles, casually slaughtering anyone they consider beneath themselves.

The crossover kicks off tomorrow, Thursday. In solo and cooperative play, Ghosts will get to fight the Predator themselves. Ubisoft say this is "the most difficult fight" in the game. Well, that fella can turn invisible, blast zapballs, see in all spectrums, and pop those natty wristknives. Preying upon the Predator will net players themed items, including his magical mask. This 'Special Challenge' will be available until some time in "early January".

Ubisoft have also made the 'Predator Pack', a load of cosmetic doodads and weapons that I'd assume will be paid DLC?

Over in the competitive Ghost War mode, one of the two new classes arriving with the 'Jungle Storm' update on Thursday is inspired by Arnie's character in the original Predator. He'll have a 'Battle Rage' mode, which I hope makes him shout whenever he's firing a gun.

That Ghost War update will also add Ranked play and another new class, the crossbow-packing Pathfinder.

Anyway. Predator! Good, yeah? I'd go for a Wildlands that was more Predator-y. Make this permanent. Let folks play 4v1 Ghosts vs. Predator. Make the Predator a playable sandbox character. Hell, make him the main character. Let's have a sandbox game about Predators hunting Ghosts.

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