Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta drops this October
Don't worry about those OP snipers from the alpha, they're getting nerfed
Next month, you'll be able to dive into the Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta and have a go of its multiplayer before the game comes out this November. Unfortunately, for all of us waiting tentatively at our PCs, we'll have to wait until the PlayStation crew have had their turn first. They get access to the beta from the 10th until the 12th of October, while PC and Xbox folks get their turn a week later, between 17th and the 19th.
It's worth noting that if you have a preorder, you can get into the beta a couple of days early. That's October 8th for PS4 players, or October 15th for PC and Xbox.
As for what to expect in the beta, Activision haven't said explicitly what games modes you'll be able jump into. However, a PS4 alpha test of Blops Cow took place over weekend, letting fans play three different 6v6 game modes - Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed and Domination - so those are probably a good indication of what's in store.
Speaking of the alpha, everyone's been a bit up-in-arms due to the game's sniper rifles being pretty overpowered. Not to worry, though, Treyarch designer Tony Flame said on Twitter that they buffed them specifically for the alpha, and they'll get balance changes before the beta drops.
For more info on the beta, head over to the COD website.
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is set to release on November 13th. You can find it on right now, and it'll cost you £50.
If you wanna start prepping for all those multiplayer skirmishes, have a look at our Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War guides to get an idea of the sorts of weapons and equipment you'll be using.