I will not give in and turn my heating on, not until November. You cannot make me. Okay, maybe on Halloween, because it'd be nice to be all roasty-toasty drinking hot chocolate and watching horror films. Alright, maybe the 30th, so I can warm my flat up a bit first. Or the 29th to get the first-heat-of-the-year stench of burnt dust out. Or the 28th to help with the humidity. But no sooner. I refuse. I'm no coward.
What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!
Alice Bee
A game called Mesmer came out yesterday. It appears to be a game about very politely starting a revolution by promising lots of favours and doing some shady deals. It was in my top picks from the Steam Autumn fest demos so I'm keen to have a butcher's.
I've not nearly seen the full potential of all the new champions Monster Train added last month, so I'm enjoying checking them out and climbing the Covenant ranks as I go. I've reached 18/25 and boy, I sure wish they increased the difficulty in more interesting ways than filling my deck with garbage and making bosses giant. But I want to hit 25 and unlock those Expert Challenges.
I'll be firing up the Streets of Rage/Yakuza free fun time game, Streets of Kamurocho, of course. It looks like pure joy.
I'm still playing Genshin Impact. All that gacha stuff I said wasn't hassling me a couple of weeks ago? Update: it's still not hassling me, but I went looking for how to do it, and I have now had 40 free spins of the roulette wheel and unlocked 5 new characters. I still like this game.
I'm getting proper into the Halloween spirit now, so I'll be spending a fair amount of time in Overwatch's Halloween brawl and trying to rope my pals into playing Phasmophobia with me. There may even be a bit of FNAF thrown in there somewhere, love going back to those cheesy horrors.
After digging out my Index for my Oculus Quest 2 review earlier in the week, I realised I never actually finished Half-Life: Alyx. Obviously, this must be rectified immediately.
Writing this on Monday, since after that I'm on holiday for two weeks. I intend to spend much of my free time escaping from hell over and over in Hades, and destroying rebel scum in Star Wars: Squadrons. I've also started playing Fall Guys again with Season 2, and I hate it, and I will keep playing it.
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?