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Hong Kong Massacre Is Hotline Miami Meets John Woo

For real, though

Sometimes all you need is a headline.

A headline, and a death wish.

Seriously though, it really is pretty much all in the headline. The Hong Kong Massacre is a none-too-subtle marriage of Hotline Miami's utterly peerless top-down intensity and the aesthetic of Hong Kong action cinema ala John Woo.

What this means in practical terms is that you can navigate especially tricky situations with the aid of your trusty friends Bullet Time and Meticulously Aimed Dual-Wielding. That in mind, typical Hotline-Miami-style level design would likely be a (sloooOOOOooooOOOw [deep voiced burbling noises]) breeze, so I imagine this game will play very differently despite wearing its primary influence like a still-bloody animal pelt.

Developer Vreski is hoping to have Hong Kong Massacre out by the end of the year. Details are otherwise scant, but the game looks to be coming along quite nicely. An engine switch to Unity is likely next on the developmental docket, which might result in a rather different-looking (though hopefully similar overall) experience the next time we see it. For now, though, what do you think?


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