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Midrange Hunter deck list guide - Saviors of Uldum - Hearthstone (August 2019)

Our guide to playing the Saviors of Uldum Midrange Hunter in Season 65.

Midrange Hunter is a Hearthstone deck that’s been a solid choice throughout the history of the game. As a cheap deck with a fairly simple game plan, it’s the perfect way to bring more of a competitive edge to your game without committing too much crafting dust. With multiple strong minions and some impactful spells, it’s also one of the more fun decks to play in the game!

With this deck you can react to many situations: either taking more of a control stance to slow down your opponent or switching to a more aggressive approach when you’ve established a strong board position. It’s this versatility, as well as knowing when to focus on either style, that will guide you to victory with the archetype.

In this update to our Midrange Hunter guide, we’ve included the top deck list seeing play in Hearthstone as of this very moment, including some great new cards from the Saviors of Uldum expansion.

You can also read on further for strategy tips on how to pilot the deck, some important Mulligan advice and a closer look at the key card combos you should definitely commit to memory.


We’ve got a couple of extra cards coming into this deck thanks to the Saviors of Uldum expansion. We’ll keep updating this deck list as the meta develops, so keep your eyes peeled!

Midrange Hunter deck list and strategy

This is the version of Midrange Hunter currently seeing the majority of play in Hearthstone:

2 x Shimmerfly1 x Vicious Scalehide
1 x Springpaw
2 x Timber Wolf
2 x Tracking
2 x Headhunter's Hatchet
2 x Scavenging Hyena
2 x Animal Companion
1 x Deadly Shot
2 x Kill Command
2 x Master's Call
2 x Unleash the Hounds
2 x Dire Frenzy
1 x Tundra Rhino
2 x Scarlet Webweaver
2 x Unleash the Beast
1 x Wild Bloodstinger
1 x Zul'jin

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAR8GuwXFCPbsApuFA6CFA7uhAwyoArUD3gSXCNsJgQrJ+AKkiAOwiwP5lgOenQPpogMA

More great Hunter guides:

General strategy

With an emphasis on beast synergy, weapons and minion buffs the Midrange Hunter aims to steadily build pressure over the game with a well-curved deck full of value-oriented cards. You should have no problem finding strong plays turn after turn in order to build a powerful board, which you can use to steadily injure your opponent over time, and then seal the win with big late game minions or burst damage from Kill Command.

Early game: Play out your early game minions and take efficient trades where possible. Many of these will generate additional cards in your hand, so you can keep up the pressure every turn or find something to fill the gaps in your Mana. Headhunter's Hatchet is an excellent removal tool against enemy minions in the opening stages, so try to play it when you have a Beast on the board to get that extra point of Durability.

Mid game: Continue applying the pressure with strong on-curve plays. With a board established you can go directly for your opponent’s life total if they aren’t offering up anything too threatening to see about a quick win. Weave in your hero power if you have any spare mana to whittle down their Health even more.

If you’re falling behind and have to take some trades, you can always refill your hand with Master's Call to draw three Beasts, or Unleash the Beast can usually take out at least one of your opponent’s minions and survive. If you have a particularly good target for it, now is the time to play Dire Frenzy on one of your best Beasts.

Late game: Unleash the Beast can continue to be extremely powerful in the late-game, along with whatever you've boosted with Dire Frenzy. What you’re really looking for, though, is a way to finally burst your foe down with Kill Command or some Beasts with Charge. Zul'jin is also in the deck as a throw of the dice to seal the win - the value from replaying all your spells can be huge.

Aggro Opponents

Some advice on how to deal with aggro opponents:

  • 1. Play control in the early game using weapons and Rush minions to keep their side of the board empty.
  • 2. Once they’re on the backfoot you can become the aggressor, ignoring their minions and going directly for their life total.
  • 3. If you can set up a big play with Scavenging Hyena and Unleash the Hounds to counter their wide board, you’ll be left with a giant minion that they may struggle to deal with easily.
  • 4. Try to save Kill Command for some final burst damage, but you can use it to clear a minion if you’re desperate.

Control opponents

What to keep in mind when up against control decks:

  • 1. Play more aggressively from the start and look for opportunities for extra damage with your hero power wherever you can.
  • 2. If they’re missing the hard removal to deal with some of your late game cards then you can push through more damage and go for the win.
  • 3. Save together all your burst damage for a single turn rather than chipping away at them every so often. Control decks can often heal or generate Armor to negate all your work and it’s best left to surprise them with all in one go.
  • 4. As the deck features no hard removal you’ll have to find ways to punch through big minions or hope you get lucky with a random spell generation effect.

Midrange Hunter Mulligan guide

With a range of cheap minions, weapons and spells, here’s what you should be hunting for in your opening hand:

  • 1. Shimmerfly: A very basic one-drop, but it comes with the added bonus of granting you a random Hunter spell.
  • 2. Springpaw: Another straightforward early game minion that also refills your hand so you can keep the pressure up on the next turn.
  • 3. Animal Companion: Perfectly solid minion generator, although you have to roll the dice a bit to hope you get the ideal result.
  • 4. Headhunter's Hatchet: There’s a good chance you’ll have a Beast on the board when this is played to gain the extra durability, and it’s perfect for attacking early game minions.

Midrange Hunter tips, combos and synergies

While the deck has received some new cards from the Saviors of Uldum set, many of the key combos in the deck are as old as time itself. Nevertheless, it’s good to refresh your memory on all the important ones! Keep these in mind as you play through every game.

- The exciting new card in this deck is Scarlet Webweaver, which allows for a great deal of tempo essentially acting as a 1 mana 5/5 if you play it right. We’ve added Wild Bloodstinger into the deck to increase the likelihood of you hitting an expensive minion for massive value.

- Scavenging Hyena gains an extra +2 / +1 of stats whenever a friendly Beast minion dies. You can boost this minion up quite quickly using Unleash the Hounds, for example.

- If you equip Headhunter's Hatchet while you have a Beast on the board it’ll gain one extra Durability, making it an extremely valuable weapon in the early game.

- Vicious Scalehide has the Lifesteal mechanic, which means you'll gain as much Health as it attacks for.

- All other Beasts that you have in play will gain an extra point of Attack for as long as Timber Wolf remains active on the board.

- Kill Command only does three points of damage as standard, but if you've got a Beast out in play that damage value increases to five.

- Master's Call offers some serious card draw to Midrange Hunter. As all of the minions you run in the deck are Beasts, that means you’ll always add three cards to your hand for just three Mana.

- Most opponents will look to kill Tundra Rhino as soon as it comes into play, as giving your Beast minions Charge can be massive. Remember, the Charge effect also applies to Tundra Rhino too!

- When you play Zul'jin he’ll cast every spell you’ve used throughout the match once again, including the likes of Kill Command and Unleash the Beast. It can make for a ridiculously powerful turn but be warned as the targets are completely random and you could end up hurting yourself more.

Midrange Hunter card choices and substitutions

Midrange Hunter is actually a very cheap deck to run so you shouldn’t have any problems with missing cards in this list. Nevertheless, here are a few of the most important ones that tend to show up in this archetype.

  • Shimmerfly: A nice minion to get you on the board early that also comes with the benefit of generating a bonus Hunter spell for you.
  • Dire Wolf Alpha: Can buff the Attack power of some of your weaker early game minions so that they trade up into your opponent’s drops.
  • Headhunter's Hatchet: An excellent weapon in this deck that steals the spot usually reserved for Eaglehorn Bow due to all the Beast synergy.
  • Scavenging Hyena: With all the Beast minions you run in the deck there’s a good chance you can make this into a rather giant threat in the right board state.
  • Animal Companion: Misha, Leokk and Huffer are all useful in different situations. It’s not a disaster if you don’t get the one you need, but when you do it’s glorious.
  • Master's Call: Gives the deck a powerful way to stay in the game if you’re running low on resources by drawing three more Beast creatures.
  • Kill Command: A big burst finisher, and with the way this deck is stacked with beast minions you should always have a way to activate it.
  • Dire Frenzy: Target your best Beast minions with this so you have some more late game reach to dig for in your deck.
  • Unleash the Beast: Generates a big minion for you and because it's a Twinspell you can do it again the very next turn.
  • Savannah Highmane: Your big late game card. Its threat is especially difficult to negate because of the Deathrattle effect.
  • Zul'jin: Represents some truly bonkers value, even if the random targeting makes this axe-thrower a little risky.

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