Midrange Paladin deck list guide - Rise of Shadows - Hearthstone (April 2019)
Our first guide for playing Midrange Paladin in the Rise of Shadows meta.
Midrange Paladin is a Hearthstone deck that's always been around in one form or another, but became significantly more powerful since it received an injection of Murloc power in the Un'Goro expansion. Right now it's highly flexible in terms of how it can deal with specific opponent types such as aggro or control, and as such it's a deck that's easy to get started with, but very satisfying to truly master.
In our guide to this returning archetype, we've got one of the strongest deck lists you can make use of right now, along with an outline of how the deck actually plays out. After that we'll explain how to pick a solid starting hand, before we finish it all up with a breakdown of all the combos you have to play around with. Mix all this together and you should be left feeling pretty confident about taking this deck out for a spin in the live game.
We'll be updating this guide a great deal over time, so do let us know in the comments if you're struggling with anything and we'll cover it off as as priority. In the meantime, don't forget to let us know about any alternative deck lists you're finding more success with.
It's going to take a while to completely overhaul Metabomb for the new Witchwood meta, but we want to make sure fans of Midrange Paladin had something to play with at launch.
This particular deck list was created by DisguisedToast. All decks are going to change a lot in the first few days and weeks of the new meta, so please be conservative when it comes to spending your crafting dust!
Midrange Paladin - Rise of Shadows Deck List
Paladin | Neutral |
2 x Immortal Prelate | 2 x Wild Pyromancer |
2 x Crystology | 1 x Bloodmage Thalnos |
1 x Crystalsmith Kangor | 2 x Novice Engineer |
2 x Lightforged Blessing | 2 x Acolyte of Pain |
2 x Call to Adventure | 2 x Defender of Argus |
2 x Equality | 1 x Zilliax |
2 x Truesilver Champion | |
2 x Consecration | |
2 x Blessing of Kings | |
2 x Prismatic Lens | |
1 x Shrink Ray |
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAZ8FBIT8AqCAA+0F/fsCDc8G/PwC+wXcA68HtJsDipoD5oYD2f4C9gf0 BfsMnAIA
It's going to take some time to get Metabomb completely switched over to the Year of the Raven, so remember that everything after this point was written about a pre-expansion version of Midrange Paladin.
We hope to have all of our content completely overhauled within the next week or so, once more refined versions of each archetype have become established. Thanks for your patience as we work through a big old pile of decks!

Midrange Paladin deck list and strategy
Here's Noblord Frozen Throne take on Midrange Paladin, which seems to be the most powerful version of the deck in use right now.
Paladin | Neutral |
2 x Grimscale Chum | 2 x Murloc Tidecaller |
2 x Righteous Protector | 2 x Rockpool Hunter |
2 x Vilefin Inquisitor | 2 x Murloc Warleader |
2 x Hydrologist | 2 x Stonehill Defender |
2 x Rallying Blade | 2 x Gentle Megasaur |
2 x Blessing of Kings | 1 x Finja, the Flying Star |
2 x Spikeridged Steed | 2 x Bonemare |
1 x Sunkeeper Tarim | 1 x The Curator |
1 x Tirion Fordring |
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAZ8FBLnBAvoG474CubICDYjHAqcI2wOxwgLTvALjywLZrgKmzgKbwgKdwgLTqgKvB7PBAgA=
This is a very flexible deck and so you have to adapt your playstyle somewhat to deal with different types of opponent.
When you're playing off against aggressive opponents, you really need to stop their board from spiralling out of control. Although you want to extract as much value as you can from your Murloc synergies, it's sometimes necessary to simply play out onto the board whatever you're able to with your current Mana.
When boosting your Murlocs with Gentle Megasaur, look for a stat that either provides extra survivability or provides a wall of taunts. From here, you should be able to use all your taunts and your heavy late-game minions to lock your opponent out of the game.
Against slower decks you need to take a more aggressive stance, and look to field a host of Murlocs out into play. Through buffing and adapting these minions with Gentle Megasaur, you want to apply as much pressure onto your opponent as you can, and simply try to finish the match before they can take charge.
Here are some tips for dealing with specific types of opponent:
- Prioritise board control above all else and don't let your opponent assume any kind of dominant position on the board. The longer the game goes on, the more powerful you become, but an aggro deck will likely bring you to your knees before you can drop Equality/Consecration.
- Have one eye on Turn 6 and ensure you have one minion on the board that you can apply Spikeridged Steed to. When that happens, any aggro deck is going to struggle to batter through your defenses before you can bulk out the board with an intimidating presence.
- When it comes to the best Hydrologist Secrets, Noble Sacrifice has obvious anti-synergy with the opponent, while you can double up on the frustration levels by having one of your Taunts trigger Getaway Kodo.
- Keep the pressure up at all times, and try to give the opponent just enough to bait out their AOE without committing everything you have to the board.
- As long as you maintain more minions than your opponent, you can usually reset the state of the game and assume dominance with a Sunkeeper Tarim play. Always try to maintain some kind of numbers advantage to ensure this works out in your favour.
(For the Wild version of this deck, make sure you take a look at our Wild Midrange Paladin deck list guide)
Midrange Paladin Mulligan guide
It's important to curve out cleanly with this deck, and make plays that exhaust your Mana availability on each of the first few turns.
The following cards will prove useful in all match-ups: Murloc Tidecaller, Vilefin Inquisitor, Hydrologist, Rockpool Hunter, Murloc Warleader. If you're confident you're up against a slower deck, consider keeping Stonehill Defender too.
If things change enough that a hero-by-hero Mulligan breakdown proves necessary, we'll update this section of our guide!
More great Paladin guides:
- 1. Best Budget Decks - Hearthstone: Best Budget Decks for Ashes of Outland
- 2. Tier List - Hearthstone deck tier list (Ashes of Outland)
- 3. Pure Paladin - Pure Paladin deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 4. Mech Paladin - Mech Paladin deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 5. Murloc Paladin - Murloc Paladin deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 6. Highlander Paladin - Highlander Paladin deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 7. Quest Paladin - Quest Paladin deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
Midrange Paladin tips, combos and synergies
Here's a complete teardown of all the big combos available with this version of Midrange Paladin. These should give you a deeper understanding of the winnin strategy required here:
- Every Murloc you summon onto the board after Murloc Tidecaller has been put into play will cause the Tidecaller's Attack value to increase by one. Note that Murlocs spawned from your hero power after playing Vilefin Inquisitor also count towards this process.
- Any Divine Shield minions out on the board will gain +1 / +1 of stats when you pop Rallying Blade into your hand.
- When Sunkeeper Tarim is played onto the board, every other minion - friendly and otherwise - will have their stats set to 3 / 3. If you've a wider board of minions at the time, this obviously puts you in a great position to take control.
- You can target any Murloc on the board with Rockpool Hunter to grant it an extra +1 / +1 of stats.
- When Finja, the Flying Star kills a minion, two random Murlocs left in your deck pile will be pulled onto the board. It's best to make this play first, as you might get some extra stats from the Murlocs you pull.
- If you've any Beasts or Murlocs left in your deck pile, The Curator will add one of each type to your hand when he's played. The choice is random if there's more than one option in each case.
- Keep in mind that the extra Attack power granted by Murloc Warleader is not permanent. Once the creature leaves the board, so do the bonus stats provided by it.
- Bonemare is fantastic for boosting up a friendly minion and giving it Taunt, which in turn protects your new 5 / 5 minion nicely as well!
- Having established a solid body of Murloc minions on the board, you can use Gentle Megasaur to put every one of them through the Adapt process. Once initiated, this lets you choose to mass-apply one of three buffs that are themselves drawn from a pool of ten possible boosts. Here's all of them:
Adapt Name | Effect |
Crackling Shield | Divine Shield |
Flaming Claws | +3 Attack |
Liquid Membrane | Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers |
Lightning Speed | Windfury |
Living Spores | Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Plants |
Massive | Taunt |
Poison Spit | Poisonous |
Rocky Carapace | +3 Health |
Shrouding Mist | Stealth until your next turn |
Volcanic Might | +1 / +1 stats |