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Podcast: The Gamescom 2019 warm-up

Listen to our soliloquays

The German Play is happening next week, or Gamescom, as you may have heard it called by uninformed proles. The big games show will see a few of the RPS treehousers zipping off to Cologne to breach and clear the whole city of all its games, like a well-oiled unit of militant journalists. On this week’s podcast, they prepare themselves for the mission. Thumbs at the ready, maggots.

Alice is looking forward to playing some Watch Dogs Legion, and seeing how much Laaaaahndaaaan they can fit into their game. Matthew is eager to see the Cyberpunk 2077 demo that was shown at E3, to see what’s what. Brendan isn’t going to Germany this year, he’s been banned because last year he expensed 900 currywursts. Terrible.

We’ve also been playing games like Dicey Dungeons, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s DLC and platformer called Horace (no, not our Horace).

You can listen on Spotify, or above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later.

You can also get the RSS feed here or find it on iTunes, Stitcher or Pocket Casts. Music is by Jack de Quidt, and it's good.


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