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Quest Druid deck list guide - Ashes of Outland - Hearthstone (April 2019)

How to get started with Quest Druid in the Ashes of Outland meta.

Quest Druid, in Standard format, is a deck built around the Saviors of Uldum Quest card: Untapped Potential. It requires you to end 4 turns with unspent mana, for which you are rewarded with a permanent Fandral Staghelm effect that replaces your Hero Power. Ossirian Tear is excellent for a long-term value plan, as well as offering swift board swings through the combination of Choose One cards' effects.

This version of Quest Druid plays in a ramp/control style. You're trying to sacrifice early turns in order to make some ludicrously powerful plays later on. Read on for our guide on piloting this deck to success.

Quest Druid deck list and strategy

Here is the version of Quest Druid we’re going for at the opening of Ashes of Outland. Expect further refinements with card reveals and meta shifts, and we’ll be sure to update this page as and when they happen.

2 x Innervate1 x Kael'thas Sunstrider
1 x Untapped Potential
1 x Worthy Expedition
2 x Steel Beetle
2 x Power of the Wild
2 x Rising Winds
2 x Crystal Merchant
2 x Wrath
1 x Archspore Msshi'fn
2 x Swipe
2 x Starfall
2 x Anubisath Defender
2 x Oasis Surger
2 x Hidden Oasis
2 x Nourish
1 x Cenarius
1 x Ysera, Unleashed

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAZICBiT4oQPcogP2rQOuugPxugMMQFZf/gH3A8QGqaIDyKID76ID2akD+bUDxrcDAA==

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General strategy

Combining your Choose One effects is not something to take lightly. It’s an incredibly powerful ability, especially as it lasts for the entire game. Below we explain how best to make this work.

Early Game: Play the Quest on turn 1 of course, and from there you’re looking to complete it as swiftly as possible. From there, you’ll want to manage your mana so as to ensure you have at least 1 crystal left over at the end of your turn. This may mean completely skipping turn 2, but in all honesty it’s worth it for the immense value that comes with Ossirian Tear. Of course, if you need to use Wrath on turn 2 to remove a threat, then go ahead. If your Wardruid Loti needs to Rush in and take down an enemy on turn 3, then no one’s stopping you.

Your main goal should be to complete the Quest in the early game though, and it's often worth burning through an Innervate or Coin to ensure this happens. In the early game, playing Crystal Merchants is extremely powerful, as it offers constant card draw for something you were trying to do in the first place; float mana.

Mid Game: Once the Ossirian Tear is in effect, play your Choose One cards. This deck doesn't feature Keeper Stalladris, since your goal here is to fill the board and make use of the Quest’s Hero Power. There’s no need to save mana anymore, so don’t worry about skipping value, and keep piling on the pressure. Refill your board as much as possible with the minions you have left and keep buffing them until the opponent is overwhelmed. Oh, and always hit face when possible.

Late Game: You have some really strong late game plays to make. Your Quest completion is still rewarding you, so cards like Tending Tauren and Cenarius are high power plays, especially if you’re playing them on top of an existing board of minions. These last cards should get you over the hump and finish your opponent, and the long-term value you’ve been generating from Ossirian Tear should hopefully have helped you run away with the game by now. Running low on health? Hidden Oasis heals you for 12 whilst putting a 6/6 with Taunt on the board too, so you’re not short on survivability either.

If you're not in any immediate danger on board, King Phaoris can be the perfect play to scare your opponent. With a decent few spells in hand, even if they aren't super high-cost, you can instantly create a big board of stuff your opponent will have to deal with one way or another.

If you've managed to play Archspore Msshi'fn, you'll be able to get Msshi'fn Prime late on too, which gives you 18/18 worth of stats for 10 mana. With the Quest completed, all of those stats have Taunt, and 9/9 will have Rush too.

Quest Druid Mulligan Guide

Your mulligan should be based mostly on Quest completion.

1. Hold on to Untapped Potential in almost every situation. It’s a large part of your game plan and the tempo you can gain back once you’ve finished the Quest is vital.

2. Innervate allows you to get a free notch on your Quest, meaning you'll be able to play Untapped Potential on turn 1 and still gain a point towards it, propelling you to your powerful late-game more swiftly.

3. Crystal Merchant is one card you can’t afford to miss out on. In fairness, it does offer late game value too, but its ability to take the early game by storm and set you up with a big hand to destroy your opponent when your Quest is complete is so incredibly valuable.

Quest Druid tips, combos and synergies

Quest Druid revolves around your Choose One cards, but below you can find our top tips to maximise the utility of your whole deck:

- Rising Winds has Twinspell, meaning you can reap its benefits twice over, on different turns if needed. With the Quest completed, it'll draw you a card whilst summoning a 3/2.

- Occasionally, you’ll be better served tossing Choose One cards out there without reaping the bonus of Untapped Potential. The Quest gives you a great deal of power later on in the game, but you have to get there first, something that might be a bit tough against hyper-aggressive opponents.

- Be careful with Nourish. It gives you 2 (full) mana crystals, which can help you complete your Quest whilst ramping your mana if you’re still waiting for it on turn 6, but if you’ve already gained Ossirian Tear it may overdraw your hand.

- Druid of the Scythe, when played after your Quest has been completed, transforms into a 4/4 with Rush and Taunt, a potentially very impactful play.

- Steel Beetle will help you a lot against aggressive decks. You'll usually be holding an expensive spell, and a 2/3 on board that gives you 5 Armor doesn't go amiss early on.

- Hidden Oasis gives your deck a whole lot of staying power to reach the late game. Chances are, by the time you’ve reached turn 6, Ossirian Tear is active. The lost tempo from your unspent mana might’ve left you longing for health but Hidden Oasis offers both a 6/6 minion with Taunt to protect your face and a whopping 12 health restored. This can be the stabilising presence needed to advance to the late game.

- Cenarius' two 2/2 Treants also receive his buff when they hit the board, so playing him on an empty board isn’t all bad - the Treants turn into 4/4s.

- Some versions of Quest Druid run Chef Nomi, a last hurrah for use when your opponent thinks the pain is over. Feel free to make that change if you're finding yourself up against more control-oriented opponents - just switch out a Swipe for it.

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