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Assassin's Creed Odyssey romance: how to seduce all the NPCs

In the air tonight

Seducing NPCs in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is significantly easier than that of real life. This is largely thanks to the Ancient Greeks's obsession with pleasing the gods with fornication, though your playable character is an utterly charming person too, which helps. Sometimes it can take a little bit of extra work to seduce an NPC, and occasionally it can lead down a more hostile path. Several millennia have passed since the time of the Ancient Greeks, so don't use any of these tips in a real date; however for those wishing to seduce the many characters of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, this guide will go over what you need do to convince them to sleep with Alexios or Kassandra.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey romance guide

There are many people to seduce in the game and really allows for players to express how they want Alexios or Kassandra to behave. If you're looking for more advice on the basics of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, then head over to our Assassin's Creed Odyssey guide for more information to get you up to speed.

How to seduce all the NPCs

Thanks to the work of Reddit user "brendanrouthRETURNS", the full list of everyone you can seduce in Assassin's Creed Odyssey has been revealed. While it does go over everyone that you can seduce, it doesn't mention one or two points on purpose. So I've compiled an evolving list with more details, including when you can seduce someone more than once in the table below.

CharacterWhen you can seduce them
AikaterineChapter 8 - Public Opinion
AlkibiadesChapter 4 - Oil and Love Also during Alkibiades side quests
AuxesiaSide quest - Age is Just a Number (Phokis)
DaphnaeSide quest - Daughters of Artemis
DionaSide quest - I, Diona (Kythera)
ErithaSide quest - I ,Diona (Kythera)
Kosta the BlacksmithSide quest - Family Values (Lokris)
KyraKyra's side quests if you sided with her in the Silver Islands
LykaonLykoan's side quests in Phokis.
MikkosMikkos's side quests. Note - if you seduced Roxana previously, she'll interrupt you.
OdessaOdessa's side quests - Megaris
RoxanaComplete Drakios's side quests - Obsidian Islands
ThaletasThaletas's side quests in the Silver Islands if you sided with him.
XeniaXenia's treasure quests - Pirate Islands
ZopherasSide quest - Not my Mother's Daughter (Lakonia)

Tips for seduction

A lot of side quests have parts where you can seduce the quest giver. You may have seen Alice's feature on the romances in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, in which she focuses particularly on your interactions with Odessa - an absolute sweetheart with some delusions of grandeur; comes with the territory when you're named after Odysseus.

Other highlights include Xenia (find out how in our Assassin's Creed Odyssey Xenia Treasure Hunts guide), and Daphnae (more on that in our Assassin's Creed Odyssey Daughters of Artemis guide). However, this is not limited to those with long and elaborate quests. Here are some general tips in order to win them over.

  • Take their side in every dispute. Yes, it may be counter-productive to your morals, but if they can trust you with their thoughts and ideals, they're more likely to fornicate when you ask.
  • Whenever there's an opportunity to speak with the heart symbol, if you want to seduce that person, select that option.
  • Sometimes you may have to fight for the right to "party", so be warned of any consequences that seducing an NPC may have.
  • Alkibiades's side quests allow for multiple opportunities to seduce him.
  • Do things for them. This is usually the aim of the side quest itself, so you'd do this naturally. However it may not be exactly what they want. One side quest has your quest giver asking you to kill his grandmother. If you convince him not to, you'll get the chance to seduce him.
  • Not everyone is as sexually expressive and some even have quite conservative views on the whole thing. One side quest even has you make a moral decision to either agree to let the person cheat on their partner or not. It's up to you how you proceed with this, but there are consequences.
  • One person you can seduce happens to be one of the cult members.

The easiest people to seduce

If you just want to seduce someone, anyone, and never do so again; there is a side quest in the third chapter called "Age is Just a Number". A woman named Auxesia is seen pacing throughout a temple courtyard. Upon talking to her, it's clear that she is attracted to you as she comments on your physique. After hearing about how she and her husband were ferocious lovers back in their day, she'll ask for you to make an elixir.

This involves hunting bears and deer for their respective body parts that make up ingredients for the elixir. What bear scrotum and deer tongues have to do with erectile dysfunction, I'll never know. When you return to Auxesia, she'll be talking with her husband who will then exclaim that he can no longer perform and he's tired of her persistence in this matter. This is your opportunity to strike with a well-placed charm offensive, selecting the choice words with the heart icon. She'll gladly accept as she's curious as to what being with a mercenary will be like. On top of that, her husband is fine with it all, playing his lute to friends and laughing the night away. The next morning, he'll will even reward you for your troubles.

Of course, if even pleasing this old woman seems like too much effort, you'll eventually meet a scantily clad man called Alkibiades in Athens, who is more than up for a bit of fun more than once and he has no shame in hiding his intentions. He'll do it in someone else's house, temples, just about anywhere and with anything. Even if you shun his advances at one point, he will try to entice you again later on in his quest-line. For the full breakdown on Alkibiades's quests, go to our Alkibiades guide.

There's no real reward for the specific act of fornication, though it usually leads to other bonuses such as a new crew member for your ship. You may want to be prepared to know which side quests have possible romance options, so check our extensive Assassin's Creed Odyssey side quests guide.

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