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COGWATCH - 6. Sunless Sea


Hey! It's a new and final episode of COGWATCH, a weekly video series in which Quintin Smith examines one mechanic in one game. This week, the BOSS COG that is miserabilist, boat-bound roguelike Sunless Sea [official site].

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Like it? Part one was on rhythm in roguelike Crypt of the Necrodancer, part two was about co-op in cart-based platformer Chariot, part three was on risk and reward in procedural stealth game Invisible, Inc, part four was on item degradation in The Long Dark. and part five was on the rewind ability in Life Is Strange.

Remember to subscribe to the RPS YouTube channel for more videos like this and also not at all like this.

Episode six marks the end of COGWATCH... season one! It will resume with a second season later in the year. Until then, keep watching those cogs.

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