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Outriders Legendary weapons list: all the best Legendary weapons in Outriders

A full list of all Legendary weapons in Outriders

Outriders, like many looter shooters, saves its true potential for overpowered builds for the rarest pieces of loot. If you want the best guns in the game, you should look no further than the Outriders Legendary weapons, which each sport a unique and often devastatingly powerful weapon mod. We've gone through every single Legendary weapon in Outriders below, with full details on their weapon type and attached mods.

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Note: For a full list of Legendary armor pieces, check out our Outriders Legendary armor list. For details on how to farm Legendary items, check out our page on the best Outriders Legendary farm spots.

Outriders Legendary weapons list

Here is the full list of all the Outriders Legendary weapons, organised by weapon class and with their unique mod explained:

Legendary Assault Rifles:

  • Absolute Zero (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Freezing Bullets: Shots inflict Freeze on enemies.
    Improved Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies (4s cooldown).
  • Heir to the Desert (Tactical Var.)
    Sandstorm: Shots conjure a sandstorm, dealing X damage over 5s (5s cooldown).
    Vortex Chamber: Reloading weapon inflicts Slow on enemies previously wounded by this weapon without changing it (1s cooldown).
  • Inferno Seed (Tactical Var.)
    Wrath of Moloch: Critical hits cause an explosion dealing X damage and inflicting Burn on enemies within a 5m radius (3s cooldown).
    Brain Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo.
  • Master Tool (Sharpshooter Var.)
    Dome of Protection: Killing shots summon a bullet-stopping dome for 5s (5s cooldown).
    Perpetuum Mobile: You instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your magazine.
  • The Juggler (Standard Var.)
    Scrap Grenade: The first shot after reload becomes an Anomaly projectile, dealing X damage in a 5s radius (1s cooldown).
    Minefield: Killing shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals X damage in a 5m radius (1s cooldown).
  • Thunderbird (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing X damage.
    Striga: 30% of Critical Damage is returned to your as Health.
  • Time Ripper (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Gravedigger's Frenzy: Critical Shots increase your Critical Damage by 50% for 5s (10s cooldown).
  • Voodoo Matchmaker (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Damage Link: Shots link up to 3 enemies, sharing 30% of their weapon damage dealt and 10% of their Anomaly damage dealt.
    Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies (8s cooldown).

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Legendary Double Guns:

  • Amber Vault (Standard Var.)
    Killing Spree: Killing shots increase damage by 30% for this weapon for 30s. Bonus deteriorates with time and stacks up to 5 kills.
    Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo.
  • Imploder (Standard Var.)
    Deadly Disturbance: Critical shots activate an unstable Anomaly effect in your enemy causing them to explode, dealing X damage to other enemies within a 5m radius (3s cooldown).
    Anomaly Surge: Critical Shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals X damage in a 2m radius (1s cooldown).
  • Lucky Jinx (Demolisher Var.)
    Ultimate Toxic Bullets: Shots inflict Toxic on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Perpetuum Mobile: You instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your magazine.
  • Shelrog's Excrescence (Burst Fire Var.)
    Ultimate Burning Bullets: Shots inflict Burn on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Hot Blood: Shots pass through enemies whose health is below 50%, ricocheting to 3 enemies within a 5m radius and inflicting Burn (0.3s cooldown).

Legendary SMGs:

  • Fatal Symbiont (Standard Var.)
    Dark Sacrifice: During combat, your weapon drains up to 50% of your max health in exchange for 75% weapon damage bonus.
    Striga: 30% of critical damage is returned to you as health (0.1s cooldown).
  • The Daimyo (Tactical Var.)
    Ultimate Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing X damage (1s cooldown).
    Improved Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow on enemies (4s cooldown).
  • The Migraine (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Bleeding Bullets: Shots inflict Bleed on enemies.
    Bomb's Ahead: Killing shots turn enemies into an Anomaly bomb, dealing X damage (1s cooldown).
  • The Wicker (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Ashen Bullets: Shots inflict Ash on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Ricochet: Shots ricochet to another enemy within a 5m radius of the initial target (1s cooldown).

Legendary LMGs:

  • Damascus Offering (Standard Var.)
    Claymore Torrent: Shots damage 4 enemies within a 6m radius with Anomaly blades, dealing X damage (4s cooldown).
    Anomaly Enhancement: Receive a passive Firepower boost equal to 30% of your Anomaly power.
  • Grim Marrow (Stabilizing Var.)
    Singularity: Killing shots create an Anomaly singularity. When destroyed, the singularity explodes dealing X damage to enemies within a 6.5m radius.
    Improved Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow on enemies (4s cooldown).
  • Roaring Umbra (Standard Var.)
    Kinetic Stomp: Shots create a seismic shock around you, dealing X damage in 5m radius (4s cooldown).
    Clip Roller: When your magazine has 50% or less ammo left, you can roll to quickly reload all your equipped weapons.
  • The Reaper (Suppressing Var.)
    Ultimate Weakening Bullets: Shots inflict Weakness on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Death Chains: Shots entangle an enemy with chains, dealing X damage over 3s (2s cooldown).

Legendary Pump Action Shotguns:

  • Aerie Master (Breach Var.)
    Weightlessness: Shots inflict Time Rift on enemies. Time Rift raises the enemy into the air for 5s.
    Critical Point: Increases the chance of scoring a critical shot by 15%.
  • Anomaly Effigy (Standard Var.)
    Concentration Blast: Killing shots cause enemies to explode, dealing X damage multipled by the maximum number of 6 enemies within a 5m radius around the original target (1s cooldown).
    Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing X damage (2s cooldown).
  • Body Snatcher (Breach Var.)
    Killing shots teleport another enemy to the place where the previous one died, works within a 25m radius of the target (0.5s cooldown).
    Minefield: Killing shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals X damage in a 5m radius (1s cooldown).
  • Darkness Charmer (Standard Var.)
    Grand Opening: Landing a hit with the first bullet in a magazine creates a powerful explosion, dealing X damage in a 5m radius (1s cooldown).
    Perpetuum Mobile: You instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your magazine.
  • Enoch's Blessing (Standard Var.)
    Life and Death: Killing shots create a blast that restores 33% of max health to players (3s cooldown).
    Gravedigger's Frenzy: Critical shots increase your critical damage by 50% for 5s (10s cooldown).
  • Golem's Limb (Standard Var.)
    Golem Rising: Killing shots grant you a protective Golem effect for 3s.
    Vampire: Killing shots grant 15% Skill Leech boost for 20s.
  • The Guillotine (Standard Var.)
    Radiation Splash: Reloading causes a small explosion that inflicts Vulnerable and deals X damage to enemies within a 5m radius (6s cooldown).
    Minefield: Killing shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals X damage in a 5m radius (1s cooldown).
  • The High Roller (Breach Var.)
    Embalmer's Rage: For 5s after a killing shot all following shots will be critical shots (4s cooldown).
    Clip Roller: When your magazine has 50% or less ammo left, you can roll to quickly reload all your equipped weapons.

Legendary Automatic Shotguns:

  • Deathshield (Narrow Var.)
    Fortress: Receive up to 43% damage bonus based on your Armor.
    Striga: 30% of critical damage is returned to you as health (0.1s cooldown).
  • Funeral Pyre (Slug Var.)
    Shadow Comet: Shots call down a comet, dealing X damage to enemies within a 3.5m radius (3s cooldown).
    Resistance Breaker (Shots decrease your target's Resistance by 35% for 6s (1s cooldown).
  • The Anemoi (Narrow Var.)
    Moaning Winds: Reloading creates a strong blast around you, dealing X damage to enemies in range of 8m (8s cooldown).
    Shadow Comet: Shots call down a comet, dealing X damage to enemies within a 3.5m radius (3s cooldown).
  • The Bulwark (Slug Var.)
    Ultimate Bleeding Bullets: Shots inflict Bleed on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Clip of Amalthea: There is a 30% chance that critical shots do not consume ammo.

Legendary Rifles:

  • Blightbearer (Standard Var.)
    Burst of Decay: Critical shots cause explosions that inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5m radius (1s cooldown).
    Resistance Breaker: Shots decrease your target's Resistance by 35% for 6s (1s cooldown).
  • Molten Eidola (One-Shot Var.)
    Ravenous Locust: Shots create a swarm of locusts, dealing X damage over 15s and inflicting Weakness on enemies remaining within a 6m radius of the target (2s cooldown).
    Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo.
  • Rarog's Gaze (Standard Var.)
    Weakness Trap: Shots cause explosions, dealing X damage and inflicting Weakness on enemies within a 5m radius of the target (3s cooldown).
    Anomaly Enhancement: Receive a passive Firepower boost equal to 30% of your Anomaly power.
  • Twisted Mercy (Standard Var.)
    Ultimate Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies (1s cooldown).
    Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo.

Legendary Bolt Action Rifles:

  • Spirit Hunter (Lightweight Var.)
    Ultimate Bone Shrapnel: Critical shots detonate the enemy's bones turning them into shrapnel that deals X damage and inflicts Bleed on enemies within a 5m radius (3s cooldown).
    Critical Point: Increase the chance of scoring a critical shot by 15%.
  • The Iceberg (Standard Var.)
    Winter Blast: Critical shots create an icy blast that inflicts Freeze on enemies within a 4m radius.
    Icebreaker: Killing shots against frozen enemies make them explode, dealing X damage.
  • The Landlubber (Lightweight Var.)
    Legendary Minefield: Critical shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals X damage in a 5m radius (3s cooldown).
    Fireworks: Shots create an explosion that deals X damage to enemies within a 6m radius (3s cooldown).
  • The Headhunter (Standard Var.)
    Burst of Decay: Critical shots cause explosions that inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5m radius (1s cooldown).
    Judgment Enforcer: Shots mark enemies. When reloading, deal 3 times your weapon damage to every marked enemy. Marks are removed when you change your weapon (1s cooldown).

Legendary Automatic Sniper Rifles:

  • Icarus (Full Auto Var.)
    Ultimate Anomaly Surge: Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals X damage in a 2m radius (1s cooldown).
    Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo.
  • Mindmugger (Standard Var.)
    Anomaly Mutation: Shots on enemies afflicted by any status condition multipicates and mutates it into a different one (1s cooldown).
    Damage Link: Shots link up to 4 enemies, sharing 30% of their weapon damage dealt and 15% of their Anomaly damage dealt (4s cooldown).

Legendary Pistols and Revolvers:

  • Torment and Agony (Full Auto Var. Pistol)
    Judgment Enforcer: Shots mark enemies. When reloading, deal 5 times your weapon's damage to every marked enemy. Marks are removed when you change your weapon.
    Clip Combustion: Reloading weapon creates a shockwave, dealing X damage to enemies within a 5m radius.
  • Disintegrator (Standard Var. Revolver)
    Strings of Gauss: Shots link up to 5 enemies in a 5m radius of the target and deal X electric damage to each of them (2s cooldown).
    Soul Devourer: Killing shots regenerate X points of your Health (1s cooldown).
  • Lucky (Standard Var. Revolver)
    Pinball: Every critical shot ricochets to 4 enemies within a 5m radius, dealing weapon's double base damage (1s cooldown).
    Critical Point: Increases the chance of scoring a critical shot by 15%.

That's every Legendary weapon in Outriders revealed and described in great detail. While you're here, you could also check out our Outriders story missions & side quests list to get a better idea of how far along in the game you are.

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