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Runeterra best decks guide

How to import deck codes

With a whole new region introduced in the full release, there are some massive changes to what Legends of Runeterra's best decks are. Long gone are the days when Shadow Isles and Ionia dominated the game, as there has been a rise of new strategies and new key cards.

Runeterra best decks guide

Our Runeterra best decks guide will give you the full deck lists, along with the deck codes to help you construct them with ease, and instructions for how to use them.

We've added some of the recent top tier combinations to this guide, including revamped Burn Aggro and Heimerdinger Control decks, as well as new strategies including Scouts and an Elusive OTK deck. Bannermen and Kinkou Elusives decks are still played heavily. Use these if you want to climb the ranked ladder quickly.

Shadow Isles cards aren't as played now as they were when Runeterra first came out, but the rise of Demacia and Noxus has been rather staggering. Find out more about them in our Runeterra vault guide.

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Best Runeterra decks

Other good Runeterra decks

Budget Runeterra decks

Importing Runeterra decks

Burn aggro

Mulligan hard with this deck to get one mana cards. This is because the deck is heavily reliant on a strong early game that pressures decks that float mana. Boomcrew Rookie is also a good card to keep in your hand. Used Cask Salesman can be a good chump blocker.

NoxusPiltover & Zahn
Draven x3Boomcrew Rookie x3
Legion Saboteur x3Used Cask Salesman x3
Precious Pet x2Rummage x1
Legion Rearguard x3Mystic Shot x3
Legion Grenadier x3Get Excited! x3
Crimson Disciple x3
Imperial Demolitionist x3
Transfusion x1
Noxian Fervor x3
Decimate x3

Burn aggro deck code


Corina control

This deck aims to use Corina Veraza to throw spells at enemies on the board to create board wipe opportunities. Since there are tons of spells in the deck, you'll be slightly vulnerable in the early game, but the spells themselves can help out with blasting threats in the first few turns. It then uses Commander Ledros and other heavy hitters to close out the game.

Shadow IslesPiltover & Zahn
Elise x3Vi x3
Frenzied Skitter x2Corina Veraza x2
Commander Ledros x3Thermogenic Beam x3
Vile Feast x3Mystic Shot x3
Grasp of the Undying x3Statikk Shock x3
Brood Awakening x3Gotcha! x3
Withering Wail x3
Vengeance x2
The Ruination x1

Corina control deck code


Midrange Bannermen

This has been a top deck in Runeterra for a while and it's not very hard to see why. There are a ton of options to be had for reliable board presence with this midrange deck. This configuration from YouTube user and Twitch Streamer "Swimstrim" combines lots of challengers and spells to stall enemies or deal with threats. Fiora also puts in a lot of work into making this deck win games.

Fiora x3
Garen x3
Fleetfeather Tracker x3
War Chefs x3
Brightsteel Protector x3
Loyal Badgerbear x3
Vanguard Bannerman x3
Grizzled Ranger x3
Swiftwing Lancer x3
Cithria the Bold x3
Ranger's Resolve x2
Purify x1
Single Combat x3
Riposte x3
Unyielding Spirit x1

Bannermen deck code


Ezreal Karma

A variant on the Ezreal deck that requires you to stall out your opponent for as long as possible, or at least until Ezreal levels up. You can use Thermogenic Beam, Mystic Shot, and Statikk Shock to deal with early drops. Thermogenic Beam should be used for bigger enemies in midrange/control decks. If the game goes on for a long time, you'll have an easier time trying to win it.

IoniaPiltover & Zahn
Karma x3Ezreal x3
Eyes of the Dragon x3Chump Whump x3
Shadow Assassin x3Thermogenic Beam x3
Yone, Windchaser x2Rummage x2
Deny x2Mystic Shot x3
Will of Ionia x2Get Excited! x3
Deep Meditation x3Statikk Shock x3
Concussive Palm x3

Ezreal Karma deck code


Heimerdinger control

This deck recommendation has been modified heavily from the original version from Twitch streamer "Gaara". It uses a lot of spells to control the board, as well as a fair few Ionia cards flesh it out. Stall your opponent's aggression before ending games with  masses of turret fire if Heimerdinger survives long enough.

Piltover & ZahnIonia
Heimerdinger x3Claws of the Dragon x3
Vi x3Shadow Assassin x3
Thermogenic Beam x3Solitary Monk x3
Mystic Shot x3Twin Disciplines x3
Get Excited! x3Deny x2
Flash of Brilliance x3Spirit's Refuge x2
Will of Ionia x3
Deep Meditation x3

Heimerdinger control deck code



The only Bilgewater deck to break into the top decks list, but my god it can be devastating. In the early game, Fleetfeather Tracker into War Chefs or Brightsteel Protector allows you to get favourable trades if you're defending the second turn. Barrier effects shut down early game aggro. Loyal Badgerbear can be used to build up an offensive front, while Miss Fortune is good for control decks. Playing the early game is key to getting wins later on, so make sure you react to enemy plays appropriately.

Quinn x3Miss Fortune x3
Cithria of Cloudfield x3Jagged Butcher x3
Fleetfeather Tracker x3Citrus Courier x3
War Chefs x3
Brightsteel Protector x3
Loyal Badgerbear x3
Vanguard Bannerman x3
Grizzled Ranger x3
Cithria the Bold x3
Radiant Strike x1
Ranger's Resolve x1
Single Combat x2

Scout deck code


Elusive OTK

This deck is a lot riskier, but you'll want to mulligan your hand for Stand Alone. It has many great targets for the deck, such as Zed and Solitary Monk. Fiora is a great target too as it can be used to either perform combat tricks or bait a reaction to expected combat tricks. Keep tabs on removal options your opponents might have so you can react as necessary. When you're ready to pull the trigger, Relentless Pursuit can be used to end the game.

Zed x3Fiora x3
Grizzled Ranger x3Greenglade Duo x3
Solitary Monk x2Ranger's Resolve x3
Shadow Assassin x3Chain Vest x1
Ghost x2Radiant Strike x3
Twin Disciplines x3Prismatic Barrier x2
Deny x2Relentless Pursuit x3
Deep Meditation x3Stand Alone x3

Elusive OTK deck code


Kinkou elusives

Ionia still has one Elusive based deck and it's a very powerful deck that can quickly win games. There's a few variations floating around on the internet, but this is the one that YouTube user and Twitch Streamer "Swimstrim" has recommended. It uses buffs on elusive units so that they can go straight for the enemy Nexus.

Zed x3Omen Hawk x3
Navori Bladescout x3Elixir of Iron x3
Navori Conspirator x3
Greenglade Duo x3
Shadow Assassin x3
Kinkou Wayfinder x3
Kinkou Lifeblade x3
Jeweled Protector x3
Windfarer Hatchling x3
Twin Disciplines x3
Deny x1
Will of Ionia x3

Kinkou elusives deck code


Nox Ezreal

Another deck from "Swimstrim", this one relies on you using spells to stall the game while levelling up Ezreal.  . Cycle through your deck while stalling, then drop Ezreal and a bunch of spells to win. It's important that you do not play Ezreal until he has levelled up, as he's too fragile otherwise.

Piltover & ZahnNoxus
Ezreal x3Draven x3
Chump Whump x3House Spider x2
Thermogenic Beam x3Arachnoid Sentry x3
Jury-Rig x2Blade's Edge x3
Rummage x3Culling Strike x1
Mystic Shot x3Noxian Guillotine x2
Get Excited x3
Staikk Shock x3
Progress Day x3

Nox Ezreal deck code


Endure Spiders

This version of the Endure Spiders deck is a bit of a mix between playing monsters onto the board for a larger presence, as well as large board sweeps. Some cards are game ending in scope, such as They Who Endure, while the rest seem to stall the opponent more often than not. It is billed as a midrange deck, but leans a little closer towards control.

Shadow IslesFreljord
Elise x3Tryndamere x1
Thresh x2Omen Hawk x3
Hapless Aristocrat x3Icevale Archer x2
Frenzied Skitterer x3Avarosan Sentry x3
Crawling Sensation x3They Who Endure x3
Glimpse Beyond x3
Vile Feast x3
Withering Wail x2
Brood Awakening x3
Atrocity x1
The Ruination x2

Endure Spiders deck code


Fearsome rally

The aim of this deck is surprisingly simple: flood the board with Fearsome followers. It wants to hit hard and fast. Originally from Twitch user "Navi00t" but optimised by Twitch streamer and YouTube user "Swimstrim", this deck mostly Shadow Isles cards to flood the board with Fearsome enemies, while the occasional Demacia card adds that extra bit of burst damage this deck requires to get over the enemy lines and shatter the enemy Nexus.

Shadow IslesDemacia
Elise x3Brightsteel Protector x1
Hecarim x3Vanguard Redeemer x2
Arachnoid Horror x3Radiant Guardian x1
Mistwraith x3Relentless Pursuit x2
Frenzied Skitterer x3
Wraithcaller x3
The Rekindler x2
Mark of the Isles x3
Black Spear x2
Glimpse Beyond x3
Vile Feast x3
The Harrowing x2

Fearsome rally deck code


Ephemeral midrange

This rather flexible midrange deck brings both Ionia and Shadow Isles based decks back into contention for the top tier decks. Your game plan is to play as many copies of Hecarim as possible, using certain cards to bring him out quickly. There's also a few cards to either play defensively or go all out aggro, depending on your first few turns.

Shadow IslesIonia
Hecarim x3Zed x3
Oblivious Islander x2Greenglade Duo x2
Cursed Keeper x3Shadow Assassin x3
Frenzied Skitterer x3Death Mark x3
Darkwater Scourge x3Deny x1
The Rekindler x3Will of Ionia x2
Mark of the Isles x3Dawn and Dusk x2
Vile Feast x2
Glimpse Beyond x3

Ephemeral midrange deck code


Ezreal Elnuks

This Tier 2 deck that we are looking at has been created by YouTube user and Twitch streamer "Swimstrim" and is a popular Piltover & Zahn/Freljord deck. The aim is to control the board state long enough to bring out a whole herd of Elnuks to stomp on everything in front of them.

Piltover & ZahnFreljord
Ezreal x3Avarosan Sentry x2
Chump Whump x3Icevale Archer x3
Thermogenic Beam x3Avarosan Marksman x2
Rummage x1Bull Elnuk x3
Mystic Shot x3Troop of Elnuks x3
Get Excited! x2Brittle Steel x3
Statikk Shock x3Harsh Winds x3
Progress Day! x2

Ezreal Elnuks deck code


Ashe tempo

As a potential answer to the rather brutal Fearsome decks might be this Ashe Tempo deck from Reddit user "Massarani". It's specifically designed to counter the Fearsome deck, while also keeping stronger enemies in check with Frostbite. Your main aim is to get Ashe levelled up and hurling a bunch of Frostbite effects to neutralise the enemy.

FreljordShadow Isles
Ashe x3Hecarim x3
Omen Hawk x3Arachnoid Horror x3
Icevale Archer x3Rhasa the Sunderer x2
Avarosan Marksman x1Commander Ledros x1
Rimefang Wolf x3
Avarosan Outriders x3
Babbling Bjerg x3
Avarosan Hearthstone x3
Brittle Steel x3
Flash Freeze x3
Harsh Winds x3

Note: I'd personally cut a Hecarim for a copy of The Rekindler so you can have a fourth Ashe.

Ashe tempo deck code


Karma control

This deck comes from Twitch streamer "FiVE" and aims to control the board early on with removal spells. It uses some rather unorthodox removal spells like Death Mark that simultaneously makes certain followers more of a threat and removes key enemies. Karma is key to making this deck work.

IoniaShadow Isles
Karma x3Darkwater Scourge x3
Emerald Awakener x3Frenzied Skitterer x3
Shadow Assassin x3Soulgorger x2
Insight of Ages x3Mark of the Isles x3
Deathmark x2Grasp of the Undying x3
Deny x3Withering Wail x3
Vengeance x2
The Ruination x3
The Harrowing x2

Karma control deck code


Fearsome midrange

This deck comes from a few sources, but the example above came from Runeterra Twitch streamer and YouTube user "Swimstrim". Fearsome Midrange probably the most expensive deck to make out of the full list as there are six champions, but it is one of the most efficient decks in the meta right now. It's a surprisingly aggressive deck for the early game as it has Fearsome followers to break through enemy defences. Removal, card draw, and some fantastic finisher units like Commander Ledros and Hecarim allow you to slow down the enemy player's progress.

Shadow IslesIonia
Elise x3Shadow Assassin x2
Hecarim x3Deny x3
Arachnid Horror x3
Mistwraith x3
Frenzied Skitterer x3
Wraithcaller x3
Rhasa the Sunderer x2
Commander Ledros x1
Mark of the Isles x2
Black Spear x2
Glimpse Beyond x3
Vile Feast x3
Withering Wail x3
Vengeance x1

Fearsome midrange deck code


Fiora aggro/control

I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant to put in a Fiora deck since the combo required to trigger the win condition is reliant on one main source. The general idea is to protect Fiora at all costs while building up a wall of blockers. There are a lot of Challenger followers in the deck, tons of Barrier effects, and enough spells to save your units. However, this deck seems to be the most consistent version of the deck thanks to a few things.

Fiora x3Shen x3
Fleetfeather Tracker x3Greenglade Caretaker x3
Brightsteel Protector x3Rivershaper x3
Laurent Chevalier x3Yusari x3
Single Combat x3Ki Guardian x3
Prismatic Barrier x3Spirit's Refuge x3
Riposte x3
Judgment x1

Fiora deck code


Runeterra best decks

Garen/Tryndamere budget midrange

This budget deck comes from Twitch user "Swimstrim" and is designed to be a budget deck that uses a lot of cards that you may already have from both Demacia and Freljord regions. It aims to control the board long enough to reach the end game, where lots of big beasts and heavy hitting people enter the battlefield to overwhelm your opponent. It also has some half-decent removal.

Garen x1Tryndamere x1
Fleetfeather Tracker x2Omen Hawk x2
Vanguard Sergeant x3Avarosan Sentry x3
Laurent Protege x2Avarosan Marksman x2
Radiant Guardian x1Bull Elnuk x3
Radiant Strike x2Babbling Bjerg x3
Single Combat x1Troop of Elnuks x3
Detain x1Avarosan Hearthguard x1
Back to Back x2Alpha Wildclaw x2
Judgment x1Brittle Steel x2
Avalanche x2

Garen/Tryndamere budget deck code


Elise/Darius budget spiders aggro

Another budget deck comes from Twitch user "Swimstrim", this time based around the spiders from both Noxus and the Shadow Isles. The main aim is to get Elise to turn into a spider as quickly as possible, while buffing the other spider cards to steamroll over the enemy's defences. It also wants to play certain Shadow Isles card combinations, such as Ravenous Butcher and Cursed Keeper to flood the board with hard-to-kill abominations.

NoxusShadow Isles
Darius x2Elise x2
Legion Rearguard x2Ravenous Butcher x2
Precious Pet x2Hapless Aristocrat x2
House Spider x2Cursed Keeper x3
Arachnoid Sentry x2Frenzied Skitterer 1
Crowd Favorite x3Chronicler of Ruin x3
Arachnoid Host x2Crawling Sensation x2
Captain Farron x1Black Spear x1
Glimpse Beyond x2
Vile Feast x3
Grasp of the Undying x1
Withering Wail x2

Elise/Darius budget spiders deck code


Jinx/Darius budget aggro

Twitch user "Swimstrim" has a talent for making some decent budget decks and this one is a fascinating combination of using mostly cards you already have from Piltover & Zahn and Noxus. It's a incredibly aggressive deck early on that aims to get as much damage in before it uses Jinx or Darius to end the game.

Piltover & ZahnNoxus
Jinx x2Darius x2
Astute Academic x3Legion Rearguard x3
Zaunite Urchin x2Precious Pet x2
Academy Prodigy x2House Spider x2
Boomcrew Rookie x3Crowd Favorite x1
Flame Chompers! x3Might x2
Sump Dredger x3
Augmented Experimenter x1
Thermogenic Beam x2
Jury-Rig x3
Mystic Shot x2
Get Excited! x2

Jinx/Darius budget aggro deck code


Cheap Shadow Isles control

There are no champions involved involved in this budget deck. It's a very similar to an earlier Atrocity Control deck that was popular, but its win condition is slightly different. If you can afford a copy of Commander Ledros, a single The Ruination, and three Rhasa the Sunderers, this one shouldn't break the bank to craft.

Shadow IslesFreljord
Hapless Aristocrat x3Avarosan Sentry x3
Warden's Prey x3Icevale Archer x3
Scribe of Sorrows x3Babbling Bjerg x3
Rhasa the Sunderer x3Avalanche x3
Commander Ledros x1Harsh Winds x3
Black Spear x3
Vile Feast x3
Glimpse Beyond x3
Grasp of the Undying x2
Vengeance x2
The Ruination x1

Cheap Shadow Isles control deck code


Elusive budget aggro/midrange

The final deck we would like to showcase is a budget variant of the Elusive deck that's dominating the current Runeterra meta, but there are no champions involved. Instead it just uses a lot of Elusive units, some ways to buff them and some ways to defend yourself.

Inspiring Mentor x3Fleetfeather Tracker x3
Navori Bladescout x3Dawnspeakers x2
Greenglade Duo x3Laurent Bladekeeper x3
Keeper of Masks x3Prismatic Barrier x3
Navori Conspirator x3Back to Back x2
Deny x3
Greenglade Elder x2
Shadow Assassin x3
Solitary Monk x1
Kinkou Lifeblade x3

Elusive budget deck code


Runeterra best decks

How to import Runeterra deck codes

Finally, you may find in various articles around the internet, including this one, that there are Runeterra deck codes. In order to use them you'll need to perform the following steps:

  • Highlight the deck code and copy it to your clipboard (Ctrl + C on PC). They look like something like this - CEBAGAICEUVTCBQBAUARGKBJGE3AEAIBAI4QKAIFB4MR2IJNAEAQCBID
  • Launch Legends of Runeterra and click Collection.
  • Click Decks, then click "Import Deck" at the top of the screen. We've circled it in our image above.
  • Paste the deck code (Ctrl + V on PC) and click "Import Deck".

As for how to export deck codes into Legends of Runeterra, once you've finished creating them, simply click the Deck you wish to share, then click the "Share" button. This will generate the code to share your deck.

These Legends of Runeterra decks should give you a head start when the game enters its open beta. Thanks for reading and do check out our other Legends of Runeterra guides below.

Legends of Runeterra guides links

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