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Runeterra card guide: every region's cards explained

All the cards!

Legends of Runeterra is a card game and that means there's a lot of cards that are all sorted into different groups. Here they're called "regions", which are like the colours in Magic the Gathering, or similar ways to categorise decks in other collectable card games. There are a ton of cards for each region, so we've put together a full list of cards that are found in the game.

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Legends of Runeterra cards guide

Our Runeterra cards guide has every single card's details as found in the game. They're all sorted by region and include all the text in easy-to-find tables. This includes the new Bilgewater region introduced in the full release.

If you are looking for information on champion cards, we have put links to each region's champion roster in the contents below. The follower and spell links head to sections in this guide but the champion links go to our dedicated champion page. To get back to this page, simply click the "back" button on your browser.

DemaciaIoniaPiltover & ZaunNoxusFreljordShadow IslesBilgewater

Runeterra card regions explained

In all, there are seven regions in Legends of Runeterra. Each one has its own distinctive flavour when it comes to the types of cards that you'll be using to construct your deck. You can combine the champions and deck of two regions, making a temporary alliance between them as the spells you weave into the deck coexist to create strategies to win games. Cards are obtained via rewards, more information on that in our Runeterra vault guide.

In order to best explain what type of cards you'll find for each of the regions, we've put together a small summary of each below, along with every follower and spell card. I highly recommend that you search for the card you want to look at by using your browser (Ctrl+F on a PC) and type in the name of the card.

If you would like examples of how each of these cards work in the best decks, look no further than our Runeterra best decks guide. Some cards are also much better suited to the game's drafting mode, so find our recommendations in our Runeterra Expeditions guide.


The region of Demacia has a lot of follower cards, together with just a handful of buff spells. The main aim is to be rather defensive while strategically buffing certain units to break through to the enemy's Nexus. Key cards include Judgment, which acts as a potential mass removal. This is also where the Elite followers appear.

Demacia followers

Card NameFollower card stats
Cithria of CloudfieldCost: 1 Stats: 2/2
Fleetfeather TrackerCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: When you summon another ally, grant me Challenger
Mageseeker ConservatorCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Last Breath: Create in hand a 6+ cost spell from a region other than Demacia.
Plucky PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Tough
BattlesmithCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: When you summon an Exile, grant it +1/+1.
Brightsteel ProtectorCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Play: Give an ally Barrier.
Mageseeker PersuaderCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Grant me +1/+1 and Challenger once you've cast a 6+ cost spell this game.
ValorCost: 2 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Challenger Ability: Scout
Vanguard DefenderCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Tough
Vanguard LookoutCost: 2 Stats: 1/4 Type: Elite
War ChefsCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Support: Give my supported ally +1/+1 this round.
DawnspeakersCost: 3 Stats: 1/4 Ability: End of Round: Grant other allies +1/+1 if an ally died this round.
Dauntless VanguardCost: 3 Stats: 3/3
Greenfang WardenCost: 3 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Challenger Ability: Scout
Laurent DuelistCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Play: Give an ally Challenger this round.
Laurent ProtegeCost: 3 Stats: 2/4 Ability: Challenger
Loyal BadgerbearCost: 3 Stats: 4/4
Mageseeker InvestigatorCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Create a Detain once you've cast a 6+ cost spell this game.
Senna, Sentinel of LightCost: 3 Stats: 4/2 Ability: Quick Attack Ability: The first time an allied Lucian dies this game, grant me +1/+1 and Double Attack.
Vanguard RedeemerCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, draw a unit if an ally died this round.
Vanguard SergeantCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a "For Demacia!" in hand.
Grizzled RangerCost: 4 Stats: 4/1 Ability: Last Breath: Summon a Loyal Badgerbear.
Laurent BladekeeperCost: 4 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Play: Grant an ally +2/+2.
Laurent ChevalierCost: 4 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Challenger Ability: Strike: Create a random Challenger follower in hand.
Mageseeker InciterCost: 4 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Grant me +2/+2 once you've cast a 6+ cost spell this game.
Silverwing DiverCost: 4 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Elusive Ability: Tough
Silverwing VanguardCost: 4 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Challenger Ability: When I'm summoned, summon an exact copy of me.
Vanguard BannermanCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Allegiance: Grant all allies +1/+1.
Vanguard FirstbladeCost: 4 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Attack: Grant me +2/+2
Vanguard SquireCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When you summon an Elite, reduce my cost by 1.
Radiant GuardianCost: 5 Stats: 5/5 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant me Lifesteal and Tough if an ally died this round.
Swiftwing LancerCost: 5 Stats: 5/4 Ability: Challenger Ability: Last Breath: Create a random Elite in hand.
Vanguard CavalryCost: 5 Stats: 5/5 Ability: Tough
Greathorn CompanionCost: 5 Stats: 4/5 Ability: Scout
Cithria the BoldCost: 6 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Attack: Give other battling allies +1/+1 and Fearsome this round.
Genevieve ElmheartCost: 6 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Scout Ability: Challenger
Tianna CrownguardCost: 8 Stats: 7/7 Ability: When I'm summoned, ready your attack.
Brightsteel FormationCost: 9 Stats: 9/9 Ability: Barrier Ability: Play or Attack: Give all allies Barrier.

Demacia spells

Card NameSpell card effect
Chain VestCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally Tough
Radiant StrikeCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +1/+1 this round.
Ranger's ResolveCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Give allies Tough this round.
Blinding AssaultCost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon Valor.
PurifyCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Silence a follower.
Single CombatCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: An ally and an enemy strike each other.
En GardeCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Give allies Challenger this round.
MobilizeCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Reduce the cost of allies in hand by 1.
Prismatic BarrierCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally Barrier this round.
Relentless PursuitCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Ready your attack.
Stand AloneCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: If you have exactly 1 ally, grant it +3/+3.
SuccessionCost: 3 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon a Dauntless Vanguard.
RiposteCost: 4 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +3/+0 and Barrier this round.
Concerted StrikeCost: 5 Speed: Fast Effect: Choose an enemy. Two allies strike it.
DetainCost: 5 Speed: Fast Effect: An ally captures a unit.
Back to BackCost: 6 Speed: Burst Effect: Give two allies +3/+3 this round.
For Demacia!Cost: 6 Speed: Slow Effect: Give allies +3/+3 this round.
Redoubled ValorCost: 6 Speed: Slow Effect: Fully heal an ally, then double its Power and Health.
RememberanceCost: 6 Speed: Slow Effect: Costs 1 less for each ally that died this round. Summon a random 5 cost follower from Demacia.
JudgmentCost: 8 Speed: Fast Effect: A battling ally strikes all battling enemies.
ReinforcementsCost: 8 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon 2 Dauntless Vanguard, then grant Elite allies +1/+1.
Unyielding SpiritCost: 8 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally "I can't take damage or die".


The units of Ionia use a lot of stun effects, as well as recall other evasive abilities to ensure they're not hit by enemy attacks. Ephemeral, Barrier, and Elusive granting spells pad out the spell list. It's also the home to one of the most powerful spells in Legends of Runeterra - Deny. Elusive is also a key part of how the Ionia region wins games and has been dominating the meta as of late.

Ionia followers

Card NameFollower card stats
Greenglade CaretakerCost: 1 Stats: 1/2 Ability: When an ally gets Barrier, grant me +2/+0.
Inspiring MentorCost: 1 Stats: 1/2 Ability: Play: Grant an ally in hand +1/+0
Navori BladescoutCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: When I'm summoned, give me Elusive this round.
Nimble PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Quick Attack
Shadow FiendCost: 1 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Ephemeral
Sparing StudentCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: When you summon an ally, give me +1/+1 this round.
Claws of the DragonCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Summon me from hand once you've played 2 spells this round.
DragonlingCost: 2 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Ephemeral Ability: Lifesteal
Eye of the DragonCost: 2 Stats: 1/3 Ability: Round Start: Summon a Dragonling if you cast 2+ spells last round.
Fae BladetwirlerCost: 2 Stats: 1/3 Ability: Quick Attack Ability: When you Stun or Recall a unit, grant me +2/+0.
Greenglade DuoCost: 2 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Elusive Ability: When you summon an ally, give me +1/+0 this round.
Greenglade LookoutCost: 2 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Strike: Reduce the cost of the most expensive unit in your hand by 1.
Herald of SpringCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Support: Give my supported ally Lifesteal this round.
Keeper of MasksCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, give other allies +1/+0 this round.
Navori ConspiratorCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Elusive Ability: To play me, Recall an ally.
Navori HighwaymanCost: 2 Stats: 1/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, summon a Navori Brigand with my stats.
Silent ShadowseerCost: 2 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Elusive Ability: Ephemeral Ability: Nexus Strike: Create a copy of me in hand.
Emerald AwakenerCost: 3 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Lifesteal Ability: Enlightened: I have +4/+4.
Greenglade ElderCost: 3 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Play: Grant allies in hand +1/+1.
RivershaperCost: 3 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Strike: Draw a spell.
Scaled SnapperCost: 3 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Play: I am 5/2 or 2/5.
Scales of the DragonCost: 3 Stats: 4/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a Dragon's Protection in hand.
Shadow AssassinCost: 3 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Elusive Ability: When I'm summoned, draw 1 card.
Solitary MonkCost: 3 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Elusive Ability: When I'm summoned, Recall all other allies.
Tail of the DragonCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: When I'm Recalled, transform me into Concussive Parts.
Kinkou LifebladeCost: 4 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Lifesteal Ability: Elusive
Kinkou WayfinderCost: 4 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Allegiance: Summon two 1 cost allies from your deck.
Jeweled ProtectorCost: 5 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Play: Grant an ally in hand +3/+3
YusariCost: 5 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Challenger Ability: Elusive
Cloud DrinkerCost: 6 Stats: 3/5 Ability: Your Burst spells cost 1 less.
Horns of the DragonCost: 6 Stats: 4/6 Ability: Double Attack
Zephyr SageCost: 6 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Play: Create an exact copy of a card in hand.
The EmyreanCost: 7 Stats: 6/5 Ability: Elusive
Windfarer HatchlingCost: 7 Stats: 4/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, give other allies +2/+2 this round.
Yone, WindchaserCost: 7 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Play: Stun 2 enemies.
Ren ShadowbladeCost: 8 Stats: 6/4 Ability: When the enemy summons a follower, grant it Ephemeral.
Minah SwiftfootCost: 9 Stats: 6/5 Ability: Play: Recall 3 enemies.

Ionia spells

Card NameSpell card effects
GhostCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally Elusive this round.
Health PotionCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Heal anything 3.
RecallCost: 1 Speed: Fast Effect: Recall an ally.
Resonating StrikeCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Fleeting Effect: Give an ally +2/+0 this round.
ReturnCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Fleeting Effect: Summon an ally that costs 3 or less from hand.
RushCost: 1 Speed: Rush Effect: Give an ally +1/+0 and Quick Attack this round.
Dragon's ProtectionCost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Grant an ally +0/+3.
Insight of AgesCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Create a random spell in hand. Effect: Enlightened: Create 2 instead.
Ki GuardianCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant Barrier to an ally in hand. Draw 1 card.
RetreatCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Recall an ally to create a fleeting Return in hand.
Sonic WaveCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally Challenger this round. Effect: Create a fleeting Resonating Strike in hand.
Sown SeedsCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant allies in hand +1/+0
Death MarkCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Remove Ephemeral from an ally to grant it to an enemy.
ShadowshiftCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Recall an ally to summon a Living Shadow in its place.
Steel TempestCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Stun an attacking enemy.
Twin DisciplinesCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +3/+0 or +0/+3 this round.
Concussive PalmCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Stun an enemy to summon a Tail of the Dragon.
DenyCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Stop a Fast spell, Slow spell, or skill.
Spirit's RefugeCost: 4 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally Barrier and Lifesteal this round.
Will of IoniaCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Recall a unit.
Dawn and DuskCost: 6 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon two exact copies of an ally. They're Ephemeral.
Shadow FlareCost: 6 Speed: Fast Effect: Grant all battling followers Ephemeral.
Stand UnitedCost: 6 Speed: Burst Effect: Swap two allies. Give them Barrier.
Dragon's RageCost: 7 Speed: Slow Effect: An ally kicks an enemy into their Nexus, striking both. If the enemy survives, Recall it.
Ritual of RenewalCost: 7 Speed: Slow Effect: Heal anything 7, draw 1 card.

Piltover & Zaun

Technically, these are two regions of Piltover and Zaun, but in Legends of Runeterra they seem to have come to some sort of accord. These inventive people have lots of mechs and ways to discard scrap to get more things they want. Their spell cards reflect this by creating a lot of machines and other gadgets, though they can also cycle through your deck. It's also the home to the various mushroom cards.

Piltover & Zaun followers

Card nameFollower card stats
Caustic CaskCost: 1 Stats: 0/1 Ability: Ephemeral Ability: Last Breath: Deal 1 to each Nexus.
Astute AcademicCost: 1 Stats: 1/2 Ability: When you draw a card, give me +1/+0 this round.
Daring PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Elusive
Zaunite UrchinCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: To play me, discard 1 card. Ability: Last Breath: Draw 1 card.
Academy ProdigyCost: 2 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Quick Attack
Boomcrew RookieCost: 2 Stats: 1/4 Ability: Attack: Deal 2 damage to the enemy Nexus.
Chempunk PickpocketCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Nexus Strike: Create in hand an exact copy of a random spell from the enemy deck.
Clump of WhumpsCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a Mushroom Cloud in hand.
Eager ApprenticeCost: 2 Stats: 2/1 Ability: When I'm summoned, refill 2 spell mana.
Flame Chompers!Cost: 2 Stats: 0/2 Ability: Challenger Ability: When I'm discarded, summon me.
Intrepid MarinerCost: 2 Stats: 1/3 Ability: Support: Give my supported ally Elusive this round.
Sump DredgerCost: 2 Stats: 4/3 Ability: To play me, discard 1 card.
Veteran InvestigatorCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, all players draw 1 card.
Amateur AeronautCost: 3 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Elusive
Assembly BotCost: 3 Stats: 1/1 Ability: When you cast a spell, grant me +1/+1.
Golden CrushbotCost: 3 Stats: 2/5
Parade ElectrorigCost: 3 Stats: 2/4 Ability: Support: Shuffle 4 copies of the supported ally into your deck.
Puffcap PeddlerCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When you cast a spell, plant 3 Poison Puffcaps on random cards in the enemy deck.
Used Cask SalesmanCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, summon 2 Caustic Casks.
Back Alley BarkeepCost: 4 Stats: 3/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a random card in hand for each Back Alley Barkeep you've summoned this game.
Chump WhumpCost: 4 Stats: 4/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, create two Mushroom Cloud in hand.
Eminent BenefactorCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Last Breath: Create a random Epic in hand.
Insightful InvestigatorCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When you play a 2 cost card, draw 1 Fleeting.
Professor Von YippCost: 4 Stats: 2/3 Ability: When you summon a 1 cost ally, grant it +2/+2.
Shady CharacterCost: 4 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Play: Pick a follower. Transform me into an exact copy of it.
Sumpsnipe ScavengerCost: 4 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Allegiance: Create a Sumpworks Map in hand. It costs 0 this round.
Chempunk ShredderCost: 5 Stats: 5/2 Ability: Play: Deal 1 damage to all enemy units.
FunsmithCost: 5 Stats: 2/3 Ability: All of your spells and skills deal 1 extra damage.
Midenstokke HenchmenCost: 5 Stats: 5/3 Ability: Nexus Strike: Summon an exact copy of me.
SubpurrsibleCost: 5 Stats: 1/5 Ability: When I'm summoned, draw 1. Then, if you've played at least 10 other cards with different names, grant me +4/+0.
Unstable VolticianCost: 5 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Grant me +4/+0 and Quick Attack once you've cast a 6+ cost spell this game.
Augmented ExperimenterCost: 6 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Play: Discard your hand. Draw 3 cards. Deal 3 to an enemy unit.
Chief Mechanist ZeviCost: 6 Stats: 5/6 Ability: When you draw a card, give it Fleeting and create a copy of it.
Jae MedardaCost: 8 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Elusive Ability: When I'm targeted, draw 1 card.
Corina VerazaCost: 9 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Play: Obliterate the top 5 cards of your deck to deal 1 damage to all enemies for each spell obliterated.
Plaza GuardianCost: 10 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Quick Attack Ability: Reduce my cost by 1 for each spell you've cast this game.

Piltover & Zaun spells

Card nameSpell card effects
Thermogenic BeamCost: 0 Speed: Slow Effect: To play, spend all of your mana. Deal that much mana in damage to a unit.
Counterfeit CopiesCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Pick a card in hand. Shuffle 4 exact copies of it into your deck.
Jury-RigCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: When cast or discarded, summon a Scrap Scuttler.
Mushroom CloudCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Plant 5 Poison Puffcap on random cards in the enemy deck.
RummageCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Discard 2 cards to draw 2 cards. If you have exactly 1 other card in hand, discard 1 to draw 1.
Mystic ShotCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 2 damage to anything.
Scrapdash AssemblyCost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon 2 Scrap Scuttler.
Sumpworks MapCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally Elusive.
Trail of EvidenceCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Create a random 2 cost card in hand. It costs 0 this round.
Flash of BrillianceCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Create a random spell that costs 6+ in hand. Refill your spell mana.
Get Excited!Cost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: To play, discard 1. Deal 3 damage to anything.
Rising Spell ForceCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally +4/+0 and Quick Attack this round.
Vault BreakerCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +2/+0 this round. Create a fleeting Vault Breaker in hand.
Gotcha!Cost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: When drawn, costs 2 less this round. Deal 3 to a unit.
Statikk ShockCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 1 damage to an enemy or the enemy Nexus, and 1 to another. Draw a card.
Suit Up!Cost: 4 Speed: Burst Effect: When drawn, costs 2 less this round. Set an ally to 4/4.
Purrsuit of PerfectionCost: 5 Speed: Slow Effect: If you have played 20 cards with different names this game, summon Catastrophe.
Hextech TransmogulatorCost: 6 Speed: Fast Effect: Transform a follower into another follower.
Unlicensed InnovationCost: 6 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon an Illegal Contraption.
Trueshot BarrageCost: 7 Speed: Slow Effect: Deal 3 damage to an enemy, 2 damage to another enemy, then 1 damage to another enemy.
Progress Day!Cost: 8 Speed: Burst Effect: Draw 3 cards, then reduce their cost by 1.


If there was one region whose cards would fit well in an Aggro deck, it would be Noxus. Heavy hitting followers and lots of damage effects means there's many ways to beat up the enemy's Nexus as quickly as possible. Stun effects are rather common in the spells list, which makes bypassing the enemy's defences a cinch.

Noxus followers

Card nameFollower card stats
Affectionate PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Challenger
Draven's Biggest FanCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: When I'm summoned, move Draven to the top of your deck if you don't already have him in hand or in play.
Legion RearguardCost: 1 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Can't Block
Legion SaboteurCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Attack: Deal 1 damage to the enemy Nexus.
Precious PetCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Fearsome
Arena BattlecasterCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Attack: Give other battling allies +1/+0 this round.
Crimson AristocratCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Play: Deal 1 damage to an ally and grant it +2/+0.
Crimson DiscipleCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: When I survive damage, deal 2 damage to the enemy Nexus.
House SpiderCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, summon a Spiderling.
Imperial DemolitionistCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: PLay: Deal 1 to an ally unit to deal 2 to the enemy Nexus.
Legion DrummerCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Support: Give my supported ally Quick Attack this round.
Legion GrenadierCost: 2 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Last Breath: Deal 2 damage to the enemy Nexus.
Trifarian GloryseekerCost: 2 Stats: 5/1 Ability: Challenger Ability: Can't Block
Trifarian HopefulCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant me +2/+0 if you have another Nexus ally.
Arachnoid SentryCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Play: Stun an enemy.
Arena BookieCost: 3 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Start of Round: Discard your lowest cost card to draw 1 card.
Crimson CuratorCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When I survive damage, create a random Crimson unit in your hand.
Iron BallistaCost: 3 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Overwhelm
Legion MarauderCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Attack: Grant allied Legion Marauders everywhere +1/+1.
Reckless TrifarianCost: 3 Stats: 5/4 Ability: Can't Block
Basilisk RiderCost: 4 Stats: 5/2 Ability: Allegiance: Grant me +1/+1 and Overwhelm.
CitybreakerCost: 4 Stats: 0/5 Ability: Round Start: Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus.
Crimson AwakenerCost: 4 Stats: 5/5 Ability: When I'm summoned, deal 1 damage to all other allies.
Crowd FavoriteCost: 4 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: When I'm summoned, grant me +1/+1 for each other ally you have.
Legion VeteranCost: 4 Stats: 4/5 Ability: When another ally survives damage, grant it +1/+0.
Shiraza the BladeCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: I deal double damage to the Nexus.
Trifarian AssessorCost: 4 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Play: Draw 1 for each 5+ Power ally you have.
Arachnoid HostCost: 5 Stats: 5/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant other Spider allies +2/+0.
Kato the ArmCost: 5 Stats: 5/4 Ability: Support: Give my supported ally +3/+0 and Overwhelm this round.
Legion GeneralCost: 5 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Play: Grant me +1/+1 for each unit you've Stunned or Recalled this game.
Trifarian ShieldbreakerCost: 5 Stats: 6/5 Ability: Fearsome
Armored TuskriderCost: 6 Stats: 6/5 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: I only take damage from enemy units with 5+ Power.
Aurok GlinthornCost: 6 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Attack: Stun all damaged enemies.
Battering RamCost: 6 Stats: 0/12 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Attack: Grant me +4/+0.
Minotaur ReckonerCost: 6 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Round Start: Stun the weakest enemy.
Savage ReckonerCost: 7 Stats: 7/4 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Challenger
Captain FarronCost: 8 Stats: 8/8 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Play: Replace your hand with Decimates.
The LeviathanCost: 8 Stats: 5/8 Ability: Play: Draw a Swain Ability: Round Start: Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus three times.

Noxus spells

Card nameSpell card effects
Blade's EdgeCost: 1 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 1 damage to anything.
Elixir of WrathCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +3/+0 this round.
GuileCost: 1 Speed: Slow Effect: Stun an enemy.
Ravenous FlockCost: 1 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 4 to a unit if it's damaged or Stunned.
Blood For BloodCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 1 to an allied follower. If it survives, create a copy of it in hand.
Brother's BondCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant two allies +2/+0.
Death LotusCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 1 damage to all battling units.
TransfusionCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Deal 1 damage to an ally to give another ally +2/+2 this round.
Culling StrikeCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Kill a unit with 3 or less Power.
Death's HandCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 2 damage to an enemy unit and 1 to their Nexus.
MightCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +3/+0 and Overwhelm this round.
Noxian FervorCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 3 to an ally unit to deal 3 to anything.
Noxian GuillotineCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Kill a damaged unit. to create a fleeting Noxian Guillotine in hand.
VisionCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: When cast or discarded, grant allies +1/+0.
Whirling DeathCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: A battling ally strikes a battling enemy.
DecimateCost: 5 Speed: Slow Effect: Deal 4 damage to the enemy Nexus.
Decisive ManeuverCost: 5 Speed: Fast Effect: Stun an enemy. Give all allies +2/+0 this round.
Intimidating RoarCost: 5 Speed: Slow Effect: Stun all enemies with 4 or less power.
ShunpoCost: 5 Speed: Slow Effect: Deal 2 damage to an enemy unit, then ready your attack.
ReckoningCost: 6 Speed: Slow Effect: If you have a 5+ Power ally, kill all units with 4 or less Power.


The frozen depths of Freljord has a lot of defensive and trampling effects. Expect to see lots of large creatures covered in thick fur that could stomp you to bits with Overwhelm. Buffing spells and frostbite effects are a little more common here. Freljord decks tend to skew more towards the Midrange strategies and couple well with Demacia and Shadow Isles.

Freljord followers

Card nameFollower card stats
Lonely PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: When I'm summoned, create in hand a random 1 cost Poro from any region.
Omen HawkCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant the top 2 allies in your deck +1/+1.
Unscarred ReaverCost: 1 Stats: 0/3 Ability: When I survive damage, grant me +2/+0.
Yeti YearlingCost: 1 Stats: 1/2 Ability: Last Breath: Shuffle 2 Enraged Yeti into your deck.
Avarosan SentryCost: 2 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Last Breath: Draw a card.
Feral MysticCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Enlightened: I have +4/+4.
Icevale ArcherCost: 2 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Play: Frostbite an enemy.
Ruthless RaiderCost: 2 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Tough
Stalking WolfCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Challenger Ability: When I'm summoned, the enemy summons a Snow Hare.
Starlit SeerCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: When you cast a spell, grant the top ally in your deck +1/+1.
Avarosan MarksmanCost: 3 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Play: Deal 1 damage to an enemy unit.
Avarosan TrapperCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, create an Enraged Yeti in the top 3 cards of your deck.
Ember MaidenCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Round Start: Deal 1 damage to everything.
Kindly TavernkeeperCost: 3 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Play: Heal anything 3.
Mighty PoroCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Overwhelm
Rimefang WolfCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Challenger Ability: When I strike a unit with 0 Power, I kill it.
Scarthane SteffenCost: 3 Stats: 2/4 Ability: When I survive damage, grant me +3/+0.
Wyrding StonesCost: 3 Stats: 0/4 Ability: Start of the Round: Get an extra mana gem this round.
Avarosan OutridersCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Allegiance: Grant the top unit in our deck +3/+3 and Overwhelm
Babbling BjergCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, draw a unit with 5+ Power.
Bull ElnukCost: 4 Stats: 4/5
Poro HerderCost: 4 Stats: 3/4 Ability: When I'm summoned, draw 2 Poros if you have a Poro ally.
WolfriderCost: 4 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Plunder: Get an empty mana gem.
Avarosan HearthguardCost: 5 Stats: 5/5 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant allies in your deck +1/+1.
Rimetusk ShamanCost: 5 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Start of Round: Frostbite the strongest enemy.
Scarmaiden ReaverCost: 5 Stats: 4/5 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: Lifesteal
Tarkaz the TribelessCost: 5 Stats: 5/8 Ability: Attack: Deal 1 damage to all battling units.
Troop of ElnuksCost: 5 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Play: For the top 6 cards in your deck, summon each Elnuk and shuffle the rest into your deck.
Ursine SpiritwalkerCost: 5 Stats: 4/6 Ability: Plunder: I transform into Stormclaw Ursine
Alpha WildclawCost: 6 Stats: 7/6 Ability: Overwhelm
Heart of the FluffCost: 6 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Play: Combine all our Poros into Fluft of Poros, it gains their stats and keywords.
Scarmother VeynnaCost: 6 Stats: 3/8 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: When I survive damage, grant me +3/+0.
They Who EndureCost: 6 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: When I'm summoned, grant me +1/+1 for each ally that has died.
Ancient YetiCost: 7 Stats: 5/5 Ability: Overwhelm Ability: End of Round: Reduce my cost by 1.
Icy YetiCost: 7 Stats: 5/5 Ability: When I'm summoned, Frostbite enemies with 3 or less health.
The TuskraiderCost: 8 Stats: 7/7 Ability: Plunder: Double the Power and Health of allies in your deck. Ability: Play: Draw a Sejuani.
She Who WandersCost: 10 Stats: 10/10 Ability: Play: Obliterate all followers with 4 or less Power in play and in hands.

Freljord spells

Card nameSpell card effect
Brittle SteelCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Frostbite an enemy with 3 or less health.
Elixir of IronCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +0/+2 this round.
Caught in the ColdCost: 1 Speed: Slow Effect: Give an enemy unit Frostbite and Vulnerable this round.
EntreatCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Draw a champion.
Shared SpoilsCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant the top 3 units in your deck +1/+1. Effect: Plunder: Draw 1 of them.
ShatterCost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Deal 4 damage to an enemy if it has 0 Power. Otherwise, Frostbite it.
Flash FreezeCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Frostbite an enemy.
Poro SnaxCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant Poro allies everywhere +1/+1.
Take HeartCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant a damaged ally +3/+3.
Tall TalesCost: 3 Speed: Slow Effect: If you have a Yeti, summon an Enraged Yeti. Otherwise, create one on top of your deck.
AvalancheCost: 4 Speed: Slow Effect: Deal 2 damage to all units.
Bloodsworn PledgeCost: 4 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant two allies +0/+3.
Fury of the NorthCost: 4 Speed: Burst Effect: Give an ally +4/+4 this round.
Catalyst of AeonsCost: 5 Speed: Burst Effect: Get an empty mana gem and heal your Nexus 3.
Iceborn LegacyCost: 5 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally and all allied copies of it everywhere +2/+2.
Harsh WindsCost: 6 Speed: Burst Effect: Frostbite 2 enemies.
Aurora PorealisCost: 7 Speed: Burst Effect: Create 2 random Poros from any region and 2 Poro Snax.
Pack MentalityCost: 7 Speed: Slow Effect: Give allies +2/+2 and Overwhelm.
Winter's BreathCost: 7 Speed: Slow Effect: Kill all enemies with 0 power, then Frostbite all enemies.
Battle FuryCost: 8 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally +8/+4.
Warmother's CallCost: 12 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon the top unit from our deck now and each Round Start.

Shadow Isles

The dark realm of the Shadow Isles is a haven for spooky things. They use a lot of sacrifices and Last Breath effects in their deck compositions. Some of the strongest combinations occur within the cards of this region. It's also the region with the fewest follower cards, but the most magic, including a lot of control and removal spells.

Shadow Isles followers

Card nameFollower cards stats
Ravenous ButcherCost: 0 Stats: 3/2 Ability: To play me, kill an ally.
BarkbeastCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: The first time an ally dies, grant me +2/+2.
Hapless AristocratCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Last Breath: Summon a Spiderling
Oblivious IslanderCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Play: Grant an ally in hand Ephemeral and reduce its cost by 1.
Sinister PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Fearsome
Warden's PreyCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Last Breath: Create in hand another Last Breath follower from any region that costs 3 or less.
Arachnoid HorrorCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Fearsome
Cursed KeeperCost: 2 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Can't Block Ability: Last Breath: Summon an Escaped Abomination.
MistwrathCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Fearsome Ability: When I'm summoned, grant other allied Mistwraiths everywhere +1/+0.
Shark ChariotCost: 2 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Can't Block Ability: Ephemeral Ability: When an Ephemeral ally attacks, revive me attacking.
Soul ShepherdCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: Can't Block Ability: When you summon an Ephemeral ally, grant it +1/+1.
Stirred SpiritsCost: 2 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Support: Grant my supported ally +2/+0 and Ephemeral.
Thorny ToadCost: 2 Stats: 1/4 Ability: Last Breath: Toss 2 and heal your Nexus 2.
Blighted CaretakerCost: 3 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Play: Kill an ally to summon 2 Saplings.
Darkwater ScourgeCost: 3 Stats: 5/5 Ability: Ephemeral Ability: Lifesteal
Deadbloom WandererCost: 3 Stats: 3/2 Ability: Lifesteal Ability: When I'm summoned, Toss 3.
Frenzied SkittererCost: 3 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Fearsome Ability: When I'm summoned, give other allied Spiders +1/+0 and enemies -1/+0 this round.
Iron HarbingerCost: 3 Stats: 2/4 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Attack: Grant me +1/+0 for each Ephemeral ally.
Phantom PranksterCost: 3 Stats: 0/3 Ability: When another ally dies, deal 1 damage to the enemy Nexus.
Scribe of SorrowsCost: 3 Stats: 2/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a copy in hand of an ally that died this game.
The UndyingCost: 3 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Can't Block Ability: Last Breath: Revive me at the start of round and grant me +1/+1 for each time I've died.
Ancient CrocolithCost: 4 Stats: 7/7 Ability: To play me, kill 2 allies.
Chronicler of RuinCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: Play: Kill an ally, then revive it.
WraithcallerCost: 4 Stats: 3/7 Ability: Allegiance: Summon a Mistwraith
Ethereral RemitterCost: 5 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Play: Kill an ally to summon a random follower from any region that costs 2 mana more.
Neverglade CollectorCost: 5 Stats: 2/4 Ability: When another ally dies, Drain 1 from the enemy Nexus.
Tortured ProdigyCost: 5 Stats: 4/4 Ability: When an ally dies, refill your spell mana.
SoulgorgerCost: 6 Stats: 3/7 Ability: Lifesteal
Overgrown SnapvineCost: 7 Stats: 4/3 Ability: When you summon a follower, kill it to summon an Overgrown Snapvine.
The RekindlerCost: 7 Stats: 4/4 Ability: When I'm summoned, revive the strongest allied champion.
Rhasa the SundererCost: 8 Stats: 7/5 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Play: Kill the 2 weakest enemies if an ally died this round.
Spectral MatronCost: 8 Stats: 6/6 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Play: Pick an ally in hand. Summon an exact copy of it. It's Ephemeral.
Terror of the TidesCost: 8 Stats: 6/5 Type: Sea Monster Ability: Attack: Give enemies -2/+0 this round. Ability: Sea Monster allies have Fearsome.
Commander LedrosCost: 9 Stats: 9/6 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Play: Cut the enemy Nexus health in half, rounded up. Ability: Last Breath: Return me to hand.
ScuttlegeistCost: 10 Stats: 5/5 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Reduce my cost by 1 for each ally that died this game.

Shadow Isles spells

Card nameSpell card effect
Fading MemoriesCost: 0 Speed: Burst Effect: Pick a follower. Create an Ephemeral copy of it in hand.
Absorb SoulCost: 1 Speed: Fast Effect: Drain 4 from any ally unit.
Crawling SensationCost: 1 Speed: Slow Effect: If an ally died this round, summon 2 Spiderlings
Mark of the IslesCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Grant an ally +2/+2 Ephemeral.
Sapling TossCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Summon a Sapling next round.
Glimpse BeyondCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Kill an ally to draw 2 cards.
Haunted RelicCost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon 3 Unleashed Spirits.
Onslaught of ShadowsCost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon 2 Spectral Riders.
Vile FeastCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Drain 1 from a unit to summon a Spiderling.
Black SpearCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: If an ally died this round, deal 3 damage to an enemy unit.
Fresh OfferingsCost: 3 Speed: Slow Effect: If 3+ allies have died this round, summon Vilemaw
Mist's CallCost: 3 Speed: Fast Effect: Revive a random ally that died this round.
Sap MagicCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Toss 3. Heal allies 3.
Splinter SoulCost: 3 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon an exact copy of an ally. It's Ephemeral and 1/1.
The BoxCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 3 damage to each enemy that was summoned this round.
Brood AwakeningCost: 5 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon 3 Spiderling, then grant Spider allies +1/+0.
Grasp of the UndyingCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Drain 3 from a unit.
PossessionCost: 5 Speed: Slow Effect: Steal an enemy follower this round. (Can't play if you have 6 allies already)
Withering WailCost: 5 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 1 damage to all enemy units. Heal your Nexus 3.
AtrocityCost: 6 Speed: Fast Effect: Kill an ally to deal damage equal to its Power to anything.
VengeanceCost: 7 Speed: Fast Effect: Kill a unit.
The RuinationCost: 9 Speed: Slow Effect: Kill all units
The HarrowingCost: 10 Speed: Slow Effect: Revive the 6 highest Power allies that died this game and grant them Ephemeral.


The dark realm of the Shadow Isles is a haven for spooky things. They use a lot of sacrifices and Last Breath effects in their deck compositions. Some of the strongest combinations occur within the cards of this region. It's also the region with the fewest follower cards, but the most magic, including a lot of control and removal spells.

Bilgewater Isles followers

Card nameFollower cards stats
Crackshot CorsairCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: When allies attack, deal 1 to the enemy Nexus.
Dreg DredgersCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: When I'm summoned, Toss 3.
Jagged ButcherCost: 1 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Plunder: Grant me +1/+1.
Plunder PoroCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Type: Poro Ability: Plunder: Grant me two random keywords.
Pool SharkCost: 1 Stats: 2/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, draw 1 fleeting next round.
Prowling CutthroatCost: 1 Stats: 1/1 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Elusive
ShellshockerCost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Attune
Black Market MerchantCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: When you draw an enemy card, reduce its cost by 1. Ability: Plunder: Draw 1 card from the enemy deck.
Coral CreaturesCost: 2 Stats: 1/2 Ability: Attune Ability: When I'm summoned, create a random 1 cost spell in hand.
Dreadway DeckhandCost: 2 Stats: 2/2 Ability: When I'm summoned, summon a Powder Keg.
Hired GunCost: 2 Stats: 2/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant the strongest enemy vulnerable.
Bubble BearCost: 3 Stats: 0/6 Ability: Attune Ability: Elusive
Golden NarwhalCost: 3 Stats: 2/4 Ability: Elusive Ability: Vulnerable
Jagged TaskmasterCost: 3 Stats: 4/3 Ability: Plunder: Grant 1 cost allies everywhere +1/+0/.
Jaull HuntersCost: 3 Stats: 4/1 Ability: Challenger Ability: When I'm summoned, create a random Sea Monster in hand.
Monkey IdolCost: 3 Stats: 0/4 Ability: Immobile Ability: Round Start: Deal 2 to me and summon a Powder Monkey.
Powder Monkey Cost: 1 Stats: 2/1 Ability: Ephemeral Ability: Last Breath: Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus.
Petty OfficerCost: 3 Stats: 3/1 Ability: Play: Summon a Powder Keg, or a random 1 cost ally from any faction.
SlotbotCost: 3 Stats: 0/3 Ability: Round Start: Grant me +0/+1 for each card you drew last round, then shuffle my stats.
Brash GamblerCost: 4 Stats: 4/5 Ability: To play me, discard 2. Ability: Attack: Draw 2 fleeting.
Island NavigatorCost: 4 Stats: 2/4 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a random 1 cost unit from any faction and grant it Scout.
Mystifying MagicianCost: 4 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Play: Transform an ally into a random 5 cost follower from any faction.
The Beast BelowCost: 4 Stats: 4/4 Type: Sea Monster Ability: Deep
Yordle GrifterCost: 4 Stats: 3/3 Ability: When I'm summoned, create a Warning Shot in hand. Ability: Allegiance: Draw 1 from the enemy deck.
Zap SprayfinCost: 4 Stats: 2/2 Ability: Elusive Ability: Attune Ability: When I'm summoned, draw a spell that costs 3 or less from your deck.
Abyssal EyeCost: 5 Stats: 3/3 Type: Sea Monster Ability: Elusive Ability: Deep Ability: Nexus Strike: Draw a card.
Hunting FleetCost: 5 Stats: 7/7 Ability: When I'm summoned, summon a Golden Narwhal for your opponent.
Razorscale HunterCost: 5 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Scout Ability: Play: Grant an enemy Vulnerable.
Slippery WaveriderCost: 5 Stats: 4/4 Ability: Elusive Ability: Attune
Citrus CourierCost: 6 Stats: 4/5 Ability: Plunder: Heal allies and your Nexus 3, then Rally.
Devourer of the DepthsCost: 6 Stats: 4/4 Type: Sea Monster Ability: Deep Ability: Play: Obliterate an enemy with less Health than me.
Sheriff Lariette RoseCost: 6 Stats: 6/5 Ability: When I'm summoned, grant all enemies Vulnerable.
Shipwreck HoarderCost: 7 Stats: 7/5 Type: Sea Monster Ability: Deep Ability: When I'm summoned, Toss 2 and shuffle 2 Treasures into your deck.
Smooth SoloistCost: 7 Stats: 3/4 Ability: Elusive Ability: Plunder: Reduce the cost of allies in your hand and deck by 2.
The SyrenCost: 7 Stats: 3/7 Ability: Scout Ability: Play: Draw a Miss Fortune. While I'm attacking, all your spells and skills deal 1 extra damage.
Riptide RexCost: 8 Stats: 7/4 Ability: Plunder: Cannon Barrage 7 times on random enemies.
The DreadwayCost: 9 Stats: 4/8 Ability: Fearsome Ability: Play: Draw a Gangplank. Double all damage dealt by allies.

Bilgewater Isles spells

Card nameSpell card effect
Warning ShotCost: 0 Speed: Burst Effect: Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus.
JailbreakCost: 1 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon a random 1 cost follower from any faction.
JettisonCost: 1 Speed: Burst Effect: Toss 4.
ParrrleyCost: 1 Speed: Slow Effect: Deal 1 to anything. If this kills it, deal 1 to the enemy Nexus.
Ye Been WarnedCost: 1 Speed: Slow Effect: Give an enemy Vulnerable this round. If it dies this round, draw a card.
Make it RainCost: 2 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 1 to three different random enemies.
More Powder!Cost: 2 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon 2 Powder Kegs.
Pilfered GoodsCost: 2 Speed: Burst Effect: Draw a card from the enemy deck. Effect: Plunder: Draw 1 more.
Double TroubleCost: 3 Speed: Slow Effect: Summon two random 1 cost followers from any faction.
Lure of the DepthsCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Reduce the cost of Sea Monster allies everywhere by 1. Draw a Sea Monster.
Pick a CardCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: Shuffle a card from hand into your deck to draw 3 fleeting at next Round Start.
Pocket AcesCost: 3 Speed: Burst Effect: When drawn, costs 1 less this round. Grant an ally +2/+1.
Sleight of HandCost: 3 Speed: Slow Effect: Plunder; Draw a random non-champion from the enemy hand.
Chum the WatersCost: 4 Speed: Slow Effect: Grant an enemy Vulnerable and summon Longtooth.
Playful TricksterCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Remove an attacking ally from combat to Rally.
RiptideCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Stun an enemy. Shuffle that unit into the enemy deck if there's an ally Nautilus.
SalvageCost: 4 Speed: Burst Effect: Toss 2. Draw 2.
Double UpCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Deal 2 to an enemy unit. If this kills it, deals 4 to the enemy Nexus.
Strong-ArmCost: 4 Speed: Slow Effect: Plunder: Place a follower in play into your hand.
ScrapshotCost: 4 Speed: Fast Effect: Toss 3. Deal 7 to a unit.
Mind MeldCost: 4 Speed: Slow Effect: This round, set all allies' Power and Health to the number of spells you've played this game.

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Legends of Runeterra guides links

Those are all of the follower and spell cards in Runeterra. Do check out our other guides, particularly the one to create the best Legends of Runeterra decks.

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