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Best Dragon's Dogma 2 mods: Cure Dragonsplague, infinite stamina, and more

Here are the best Dragon's Dogma 2 mods you can download right now

Screenshot of the opening Medusa scene in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Capcom.

Looking for the best Dragon's Dogma 2 mods? Although Dragon's Dogma 2 has been out for a while, the game is still steamrolling ahead with more mods now available than ever.

We've gone through the rich offerings of Nexus Mods and picked out the most popular and useful out of the bunch. This includes quality-of-life fixes like more stamina and ways to make the game more streamlined with the removal of pesky mechanics like Dragonsplague.

Read below for our top ten picks of the best mods available for Dragon's Dogma 2 right now.

This highlight reel shows off all the incredible adventures awaiting the new Arisen of Dragon's Dogma 2.Watch on YouTube

The best Dragon's Dogma 2 mods

The 10 best Dragon's Dogma 2 mods right now are:

  • Dragonsplague Cure
  • Stop Selling Yourself
  • Show Main Pawn Favorability
  • Infinite Stamina out of Combat
  • Early N'Cheap Art of Metamorphosis
  • Better UI - Colorful Map Icons
  • No Job Requirements
  • Teleportation
  • Turn Every Usable Item Infinite
  • Riddle of Rumination Marker - A Game of Wits

Dragonsplague Cure

Dragon's Dogma 2 promo art of a Pawn with Dragonsplague.
Pawns can return from the Rift with Dragonsplague and spread it among your party. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Capcom

Whilst some players may welcome the challenge of Dragonsplague in Dragon's Dogma 2, most see it as a ticking time bomb. Dragonsplague is essentially a disease that can spread amongst Pawns, turning them into mad killing machines that are capable of wiping out entire villages.

With this mod, you can toggle Dragonsplague on and off, safe in the knowledge that your Pawns are protected.

If you still want the plague to be present in your game but more manageable, there is also the Dragonsplague Counter mod. This adds a counter against infected Pawns heads, showing the level of disease they're at - with 10 being the highest. This gives players some pre-warning before it gets too serious.

You can also download the Immersive Dragonsplague Cure mod which adds a cure to the game in the form of a potion vial.

Download link: Dragonsplague Cure

Stop Selling Yourself

Screenshot of a Pawn introducing themselves to the Arisen in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Adventuring Pawns will frequently stop you for a conversation, sometimes mid-combat. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun.

This Dragon's Dogma 2 mod is more of a quality-of-life hack. As you're adventuring in the game, you'll notice that Pawns travelling in the wild will sometimes lock you into a conversation in a bid to get you to recruit them. This happens frequently, even if you already have a full party.

The 'Stop Selling Yourself' mod removes this so that the Pawns will only speak if spoken to. It's a small fix but one that removes this immersion-breaking annoyance without having to toggle off online mode.

Download link: Stop Selling Yourself

Show Main Pawn Favorability

Screenshot of the Show Main Pawn Favorability Dragon's Dogma 2 mod.
Pawns and NPCs will blush when you've raised their affinity past a certain level. | Image credit: Plaer1984/Nexus Mods.

Affinity is a hidden system in which you can get NPCs to befriend your Arisen and give them discounts, gifts and unique encounters. It is also possible to raise affinity with your Main Pawn, although it works slightly differently than with regular NPCs.

With the 'Show Main Pawn Favorability' mod, you can see exactly where your affinity level is at with your Main Pawn. This mod essentially makes it easier to track your friendship level.

Reaching max affinity with your Pawn leads to unique dialogue and a slight variation to a cutscene at the end of the game. There is also a 'Show Favourability For Everyone' mod if you wish to see the same affinity measurement metric on the NPCs in the game.

Download link: Show Main Pawn Favorability

Infinite Stamina out of Combat

Screenshot of stamina depletion in Dragon's Dogma 2.
When you run out of stamina, a Pawn will usually lend a hand to help you recover. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Capcom.

This mod, in my opinion, is a must-have for any Dragon's Dogma 2 player. It gives you an infinite supply of stamina when adventuring, but inflicts the normal stamina limit whilst in combat.

This is a quality-of-life mod that doesn't damage the structure or challenge of the game but allows you to roam freely without having to stop and gasp for breath every 10 seconds. This is especially handy as fast travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 is quite limiting and you'll spend most of your early playthrough having to run to and fro to places.

Download link: Infinite Stamina out of Combat

Early N'Cheap Art of Metamorphosis

Screenshot of an Art of Metamorphosis tome in Dragon's Dogma 2.
An Art of Metamorphosis tome will take you back to the character creator. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Capcom.

We've all had character creator remorse in an RPG when you spend hours perfecting your character's face, only to step into in-game lighting and realise you've created a troll.

Luckily, you can change your Arisen's features in-game with an Art of Metamorphosis tome. Less lucky - you'll have to wait until you reach the Pawn Guild vendor at Vernworth to get one.

This mod places an Art of Metamorphosis tome within the merchant's stock rotation in Melve. Melve will likely be the first prominent village you encounter so you should gain access to the tome much quicker with this mod.

Download link: Early N'Cheap Art of Metamorphosis

Better UI - Colorful Map Icons

Screenshot of the Better UI Colorful Map Dragon's Dogma 2 mod.
The map background and icons are normally a similar brown shade, making it hard to distinguish them. | Image credit: Caites/Nexus Mods.

Speaking of looks, the 'Better UI - Colorful Map Icons' mod gives the Dragon's Dogma 2 map a facelift. It's a small tweak but it essentially saturates the colours of the map icons so they stand out more against the brown wash of the map.

It's a subtle change, but makes it a lot easier when looking for specific locations in the game.

Download link: Better UI - Colorful Map Icons

No Job Requirements

Screenshot of non-proficient equipment in Dragon's Dogma 2.
If you cannot use equipment, it will have a red box with a slash marked through it in your inventory. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Capcom.

As you experiment with different vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll notice that there are certain weapons and armour restrictions. For example, if you are an Archer, you won't be able to wield a sword or wear certain armours.

The 'No Job Requirements' mod strips this and allows you to wear and wield whatever you like, regardless of your vocation. The mod does have some limitations, however. If you wield a weapon you're not proficient in you'll only have access to basic attacks. As such, we recommend using this mod mainly to switch out and wear whatever armour you like.

It is also helpful in a pinch if you need access to a bow but don't have the Archer or Magick Archer vocation built or currently equipped. For me, I mostly use it to wear the pretty circlets that are shamefully only available for Sorcerers.

Download link: No Job Requirements


Screenshot of the Teleportation Dragon's Dogma 2 mod.
There are few Portcrystals in Dragon's Dogma 2 and all require a Ferrystone to use. | Image credit: rthomasv3/Nexus Mods.

This mod may be a little controversial as it essentially makes fast travel free in Dragon's Dogma 2. With the 'Teleportation' mod, you can fast travel without the need for a Ferrystone or Portcrytal to several key locations on the map.

This includes all major villages and cities like Bakbattahl, Melve, Nameless Village, Checkpoint Rest Town and more. You can also change the mod log to show all Golden Trove Beetle locations, Seeker Token locations and more, if you want to skip the grind of locating them all yourself.

If you're a Dragon's Dogma 2 purist, this won't be the mod for you. If, however, you find the fast travel system more cumbersome than immersive, this mod will save you some time.

Download link: Teleportation

Turn Every Usable Item Infinite

Screenshot of a Wakestone description in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Wakestones are a one-use item that will revive you when killed in combat. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Capcom.

With this mod, you can turn one-use items into an infinite supply in Dragon's Dogma 2. This means you can use things like Ferrystones, Wakestones and spell tomes more than once, without them disappearing from your inventory.

This includes special items like the Eternal Wakestone (useful for resurrecting a large number of NPCs at once) and the Unmaking Arrow (which can instantly kill any foe).

Download link: Turn Every Usable Item Infinite

Note: Mild spoilers ahead regarding the Sphinx quest.

Riddle of Rumination Marker - A Game of Wits

Screenshot of the Sphinx in Dragon's Dogma 2.
There are 240 Seeker Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2. | Image credit: gibbed/Nexus Mods.

During the 'A Game of Wits' quest, you'll be tasked with answering several riddles set by the Sphinx. One such riddle, the 'Riddle of Rumination' will task you with revisiting the location in which you found your first Seeker Token.

With over 200 tokens in the game, you may be hard-pressed to remember exactly where you picked up your first. Luckily this mod will mark the location for you on your map and save you some serious head-scratching. Although this mod is fairly niche, it's extremely useful if like us, your memory is terrible.

Download link: Riddle of Rumination Marker - A Game of Wits

That rounds off our guide to the best Dragon's Dogma 2 mods. For more Dragon's Dogma 2 tips and tricks, see our guides for making the perfect Thief build, Mystic Spearhand build, Fighter build and more.

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